kat_scratches' fic journal

User: [info]kat_scratches
Date: 2007-08-04 08:48
Subject: HP fic "26 Drabbles" (PG-M)
Security: Public
Tags:hp, m, pg, remus/sirius

Title: 26 Drabbles
Rating: PG through M, depending.
Summary: 26 little alphabet-based vignettes, 100 words each. Sirius/Remus throughout, though occasionally subtle. Moves from Marauder years through to OotP.
A/N: So many billions of kisses to [info]pre_raphaelite1 for the beta and suggestions and for generally putting up with me. Also, thanks to [info]kellygreen for her suggestions!

26 Drabbles )

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User: [info]kat_scratches
Date: 2007-08-03 23:21
Subject: HP fic "Truth & Consequences" (M)
Security: Public
Tags:hp, m, peter, remus/sirius

Title: Truth and Consequences
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns all the characters. I just borrow them on occasion for nefarious purposes.
Summary: AU where Peter is caught & made to confess before the Potters are killed. By request -- had to contain Peter being driven by a secret, unrequited love for Remus, a hatred of Sirius, and jealousy of a stable S/R relationship.
A/N: For [info]luce_flores, who spawned the plot bunny. Many thanks to [info]alexandria for the wonderful beta.
Rating: M

Truth & Consequences )

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User: [info]kat_scratches
Date: 2007-08-03 23:05
Subject: HP fic "Mouthing Platitudes" (R? maybe strong M)
Security: Public
Tags:hp, m, r, remus/sirius

Title: Mouthing Platitudes
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns all the characters. I just borrow them on occasion for nefarious purposes.
Summary: Supposing that Sirius and Remus had nothing other than friendship throughout their years at Hogwarts, this offers a suggestion as to how their relationship might have come about... and how awkward it might have been.
Rating: strong M
A/N: The italics are meant to be flashbacks. I only mention this because I'd had someone once tell me it was confusing. Also, this was actually the very first Remus/Sirius fic I ever wrote -- the first slash, too! -- so it', erm, well... *hides*

Mouthing Platitudes )

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User: [info]kat_scratches
Date: 2007-08-03 23:03
Subject: HP fic "A Bird In The Hand" (M)
Security: Public
Tags:hermione/ginny, hp, m

Title: A Bird In The Hand
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns all the characters. I just borrow them on occasion.
Rating: M
Summary: Sometimes you take what you can get. Hermione/Ginny.

A Bird In The Hand )

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March 2008