August 30th, 2010

[info]hecatesbrat in [info]ffviii_100

Functions / Predator

Title: Functions
Characters/Pairings: Laguna, mention of Kiros
Team: Balamb G
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: It's still a small hell.

It didn't matter how good Laguna looked in a suit and tie, he loathed these functions.

Barely a quarter of the way in, he spilled red sauce on his tie. Of course it couldn't be seen on a black tie but he knew it was there and it caused him to pout at the shrimp cocktails.

He danced, when asked, with a nervous smile and a leg that was bordering on cramping. The President willed it to cramp to get out of dancing.

Every chance possible, he asked Kiros to save him from this hell and got a smirked response.

Title: Predator
Characters/Pairings: Zell, Seifer
Team: Balamb G
Rating: PG 13
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes:

Zell tried to be still, to be quiet, as the large predator waited for something - anything from the fighter.

It was only time that ticked on.

Both remained still, waiting for the other to crack, to do something, to move, to breathe wrong before they would pounce or run.

Zell watched as lips were licked and neck muscles worked through a swallow and thoughts that he would be next going filled his head.

This moment in time, Zell thought is utter hell; worse than any shitty training exercise.

And then it got worse.

"Come on chickie. I won't bite, hard."

[info]hecatesbrat in [info]ffviii_100


Title: Borrowed
Characters/Pairings: Seifer, Quistis
Team: Balamb G
Rating: PG 13
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Stand alone but is after Warm Beer

It was past 3am and Seifer was finally sleeping albeit his sleep seemed to be restless.

Quistis sighed into the warm air of the room and shifted in the borrowed p-jays that would always be too big on her. Her mind and her eyes kept coming back to the big man on the bed beside her.

Kept coming back to the just that evening when he had sobbed out about pain that he went through under Ultimecia, his own hell.

Once more she let her fingers move through Seifer's hair as he slept. It was the least she could do.

[info]hecatesbrat in [info]ffviii_100

Prompt #104

This week Balamb G pushed through and came out with 70 points and Trabia came in with 10 points! Awesome work, a bunch of great pieces in a week that might have been a bit hellish. ;D

This week's word prompt: #104 - Esthar
One of the main political powers in the world, and also the name of the nation's capital. It's located on the large continent to the east of Galbadia, and is also Galbadia's major rival in terms of world politics. Esthar is a technologically-advanced society governed by a president, which is Laguna.
Esthar has, since the Sorceress War, hidden themselves from the world using a cloaking device and has launched a Sorceress into space!

Hyne that sounded like something you'd find on a brochure for vacation time!
Despite Esthar being all shine and pretty lights, does it have a seedy underbelly? Is Laguna waiting for Odine to try something so he can kick him out of the country? Is Esthar now a hot spot for vacationing people, now that the cloaking device has dropped?

However you see Esthar, write it up in 100 words!

Most of the wording was taken from Esthar on FFWiki

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