June 7th, 2010

[info]hecatesbrat in [info]ffviii_100


Title: Morning
Characters/Pairings: Laguna/Julia
Team: Balamb
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: I have a much longer version of it here for the time being

Morning came too fast. It happens like that, when you get orders. Packing up meager belongings, crammed into packs that shared rations and weaponry.

She asked me to visit her rooms. How could I resist when she asked?

We talked into the night and into the ungodly early morn. My leg, didn't cramp up once.

Before I left, I had the thought to ask for a kiss. Something to remember her by. Just as she was leaning in, Kiros whipped the door open, stating that we would end up missing the convoy.

I never did get a kiss from Julia.

[info]hecatesbrat in [info]ffviii_100

Prompt #93

Balamb G came in with 50 points and Galbadia came in with 10. Me thinks that Galbadia might have been busy kissing instead of ...not kissing? I'm not sure who really won then! The other teams probably got scared away by "kissing cooties" or something silly of the sort. >.>

This week's word prompt: #93 - Fighting fate

Fate. It's something that apparently we can't control. It can bind us tight and keep us on a path that might not let us stray or only give a little sway. Or perhaps there is a way to change one's stars as it were, to fight fate and come up with something new for one's own life.

I leave this to you and to write it out in 100 words.

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