Fencing Community [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Fencing Community

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[Aug. 23rd, 2004|10:01 pm]
Hi, just joined and it seems that there hasn't been a recent entry. I've also been fascinated with the fencing deal. When I was little, i wanted to be like Zorro. *lol* Anyone remember him? Yeah its awesome.
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First Entry? [Apr. 12th, 2004|07:53 pm]
Wow. So, yeah, I've never fenced before.

As a young child, I was always a big fan of fencing. :D It was just in cartoons, few movies, some video game characters (Charlotte in Samurai Showdown, mwaha) .. and I loved French phrases/stuff~

But anyway. I doubt fencing is available anywhere near my home state (South Carolina .. ugh). It'd be fun to try out, though.
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