07 June 2010 @ 10:52 pm
A confession:
I've worn mascara maybe twice in my entire life. I've worn makeup maybe a dozen times. I am 25 years old.

Pertinent facts:
1) I am going to be a bridesmaid in my best friend's wedding on Saturday.
2) She has decided that our makeup will consist of foundation, bronzer, and lots of black mascara.
3) I do not own any of those things.
4) I've been instructed to get them.
5) I'm freaking out a little.

What kind of black mascara should I buy?

More pertinent facts:
1) I do not want to spend too much. (I've already spent so much money on this wedding!)
2) I will cry a lot during this wedding.

I've been instructed by a fellow bridesmaid to go to Clinique and get them to help me pick out foundation and bronzer and show me how to use it. Therefore, I only need advice on mascara at this point in time. After I actually go to Clinique I might come back and post and cry and freak out and beg for more advice :)
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wavingcat5[info]wavingcat5 on June 9th, 2010 04:12 am (UTC)
Big Hugs to you! I didn't start figuring out makeup until I was about your age. Now I am 35 and I'm having to refigure it all out again, having not worn much for ages and needing some different things. It can be so scary, but so fun!

IMPORTANT QUESTION: how much time do you have before the big day? Very important because more time will allow you to research, experiment, and maybe buy stuff cheaper on Ebay or discount makeup sites.

I myself have not worn mascara for years as it was always smearing on my glasses. I've done some research and I'm about to try a tubing mascara. This is something new to me; the mascara forms little microfibre tubes around your lashes. Supposedly it's smearproof and cry-proof. It doesn't require makeup remover. You get it off by getting in the shower; the heat and WARM water swell the tubes, then you gently slide them off with your fingers.

Problems with tubing mascaras are they do seem to straighten some people's lashes a bit, and some people feel they don't make a dramatic enough change to their eyelashes' appearance. I'm so curious to try.

My toddler just woke up so I'm going to come back later to talk about websites, tutorials, shopping and your other makeup. ♥
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wavingcat5[info]wavingcat5 on June 9th, 2010 04:15 am (UTC)

Oops, I just read your post and noticed the wedding's on Saturday. Will have a think for you!
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