07 June 2010 @ 10:52 pm
A confession:
I've worn mascara maybe twice in my entire life. I've worn makeup maybe a dozen times. I am 25 years old.

Pertinent facts:
1) I am going to be a bridesmaid in my best friend's wedding on Saturday.
2) She has decided that our makeup will consist of foundation, bronzer, and lots of black mascara.
3) I do not own any of those things.
4) I've been instructed to get them.
5) I'm freaking out a little.

What kind of black mascara should I buy?

More pertinent facts:
1) I do not want to spend too much. (I've already spent so much money on this wedding!)
2) I will cry a lot during this wedding.

I've been instructed by a fellow bridesmaid to go to Clinique and get them to help me pick out foundation and bronzer and show me how to use it. Therefore, I only need advice on mascara at this point in time. After I actually go to Clinique I might come back and post and cry and freak out and beg for more advice :)
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ET: ZZZ Maggie Gyllenhaal Curly Hair WANT[info]etextraordinary on June 8th, 2010 08:22 am (UTC)
I would suggest going to a drugstore and getting a L'oreal or Maybelene (sp?). I use the pink tube with the green cap. It's waterproof and less than $10.
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outlander: Emmett Audrey[info]outlander on June 8th, 2010 01:57 pm (UTC)
I have to second this one. Maybelline Great Lash. No matter how many $20 to $30 new wiz bang mascaras I buy from the fancy make up counter of the week, I always end up going back to the the less than $10 pink tube. It just works for me. *shrug*

It also comes in a waterproof that works really well. This coming from a swimmer. *grin*
That one is pink with a black cap.
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ET: ZZZ Pride Lips[info]etextraordinary on June 8th, 2010 02:38 pm (UTC)
Your icon is one of the best I've ever seen!! Who made it, if it's sharable?
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outlander: Fandom-sofas[info]outlander on June 8th, 2010 03:14 pm (UTC)
Steal away, it's by sakesushimaki! I think it is brilliant. *grin*
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pendulumchanges: Z - white rose with pink edges on blue[info]pendulumchanges on June 19th, 2010 03:27 pm (UTC)
Thanks for the advice! I ended up going with the one you suggested, the waterproof Maybelline in the black tube, and it worked perfectly!
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