16 January 2009 @ 01:07 pm
Review: Sephora "Slim Pencil" for eyes  
So, [info]testdog65  gave me a Sephora gift certificate for Solstikwanzanukkamas this year, and I used it to buy some new eyeliner pencils. I've been using Chanel, but they seemed just a bit too smeary for me. But all the others I've tried have been too hard and irritated my skin.

I bought the Sephora "Slim Pencil" for eyes, and it went on easily and didn't smear. It also lasted longer than the Chanel -- no doubt because it didn't smear, LOL.

Best of all? Five bucks each.

I'm thrilled! Thanks, testdog!
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xie_xie_xie: Marianne looking down[info]xie_xie_xie on January 16th, 2009 03:24 pm (UTC)
LOL... it rocked my socks, fire!
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