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August 31st -- end up sign up
September 7th -- assignments mailed out
December 12th -- all fic and art due by email
December 15th -- posting starts
Current Month
Dec. 19th, 2008 @ 03:36 pm Happy holidays, [info]odds_are_evie! (Pansy/Ginny, NC-17)

Title: Ginny’s Walking Dream
Author/Artist: ?
Recipient: [info]odds_are_evie
Rating: NC-17
Length: 2,036
Pairing(s): Ginny/Pansy
Summary: Ginny pines over the thing she wants the most.
Warning(s): None.
Note: I tried to incorporate as many things as I could that were requested. This is my first time with this pairing but I really enjoyed writing it and I hope it is thoroughly enjoyed!

Ginny's Waking Dream )

About this Entry
Dec. 18th, 2008 @ 10:27 pm Happy holidays, [info]woldy! (Pansy/Ginny, NC-17)

Title: Still Hungry
Author/Artist: ?
Recipient: [info]woldy
Rating: NC-17
Length/Medium: ~2,800
Pairing(s): Pansy/Ginny
Summary: Ginny caught more than the snitch at the final game of the season.
Warning(s): PWPesque, EWE.
Note: Thank you to my betas I, KF and M. [info]woldy, you requested snarky flirting that leads to smut, Quidditch pads, walls and showers. I hope I met your desires. Enjoy!

Still Hungry )

About this Entry
Jan. 8th, 2008 @ 11:26 pm Happy holidays, redshoeson! (Ginny/Luna and others, NC-17)

Title: All the Violet Tiaras
Author: ???
Recipient: [info]redshoeson
Rating: NC-17
Length: 2200 words
Pairing(s): Ginny/Luna, unrequited Ginny/Fleur, plus mentions of Ginny/Dean, Ginny/Harry, and Bill/Fleur
Summary: Luna doesn’t know it’s a secret, not at first.
Note: For [info]redshoeson, who asked for unrequited emotions, sleeping with one person in place of someone else, sekrit!sex, and post-OOTP. I hope this is close to what you wanted; I don't think it really ended up being darkfic, but hopefully angst works too! For the title, I blame someone on my flist who was quoting Sappho the other day. Thanks to [info]el_em_en_oh_pee for being patient with me.

All the Violet Tiaras )

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Dec. 17th, 2007 @ 08:37 pm Happy holidays, sappholococcus! (Bellatrix/Luna, Bellatrix/Morag, Luna/Morag, NC-17)

Title: Conversations In A Madhouse
Author/Artist: ???
Recipient: [info]sappholococcus
Rating: NC-17
Length/Medium: 1,217
Pairing(s): Luna/Bellatrix, Bellatrix/Morag, Luna/Morag
Summary: Sometimes, you don’t need prison bars.
Warning(s): Noncon (impaired consent/drugging), bondage, blood/knife play, object insertion, mindfuck.
Note: I had never written Morag or Bellatrix before, so this was an interesting challenge. I tried to incorporate as much of the prompt as possible; I hope you like it, [info]sappholococcus!

Conversations In A Madhouse )

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