fellow_shippers' Journal
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Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in fellow_shippers' InsaneJournal:

    Saturday, March 22nd, 2008
    1:24 am
    SIVA - Fic repost - Elijah Wood / Viggo Mortensen, rated XXX

    Author: [info]anatsuno

    Fandom & Pairing: LotRiPS, Elijah Wood / Viggo Mortensen

    Rating: Adult (or XXX), for graphic sex - this is pretty much all porn.

    Disclaimer: This is entirely a work of fiction and I don't mean to infer anything by it regarding the real people mentioned therein. If any one honestly believes I am privy to these people's private lives, they need a reality check, not me. :)

    Title: Siva.

    I am posting this link today as part of this meme. Feel free to spread the word... Viva IJ.

    Hope you like it! :-)
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