Fri, Oct. 19th, 2007, 03:53 pm
[info]mandy_jg: Michael J. Fox in Back To The Future

Pessimistic Giggly Contemplative

Dirty Sleepy Bored

Preview // Download // Instructions by [info]crackified

The instructions will work at all journalling sites, you just have to change the console address from to whatever one you are wanting to post at.

Any questions, ask me
Can be used at Livejournal, Insane Journal & Greatest Journal. Credit for all is in userinfo.
COMMENTS are loved, I like to know that people are taking.
CREDIT is not optional. And I really mean that. These take time.

Enjoy! ♥

Sun, Aug. 26th, 2007, 05:36 am
[info]mandy_jg: PotC; At World's End


Download // Instructions by [info]crackified

The instructions will work at all journalling sites, you just have to change the console address from to whatever one you are wanting to post at.

Any questions, ask me
Can be used at Livejournal, Insane Journal & Greatest Journal. Credit for all is in userinfo.
COMMENTS are loved, I like to know that people are taking.
CREDIT is not optional. And I really mean that. These take time.


Sun, Aug. 26th, 2007, 01:34 pm
[info]mandy_jg: Will/Elizabeth (PotC)

Download // Instructions by [info]crackified

Contains images from AWE, so spoilers beware!

The instructions will work at all journalling sites, you just have to change the console address from to whatever one you are wanting to post at.

Any questions, ask me
Can be used at Livejournal, Insane Journal & Greatest Journal. Credit for all is in userinfo.
COMMENTS are loved, I like to know that people are taking.
CREDIT is not optional. And I really mean that. These take time.


Sun, Aug. 26th, 2007, 01:19 pm
[info]mandy_jg: HP; Order of the Phoenix

Download // Instructions by [info]crackified

The instructions will work at all journalling sites, you just have to change the console address from to whatever one you are wanting to post at.

Any questions, ask me
Can be used at Livejournal, Insane Journal & Greatest Journal. Credit for all is in userinfo.
COMMENTS are loved, I like to know that people are taking.
CREDIT is not optional. And I really mean that. These take time.
