August 22nd, 2020

[info]bikerbarbie in [info]fandom_psls

[info]boltonlake I would really, really like Castiel and Jack from SPN for two non-romance storylines and both of them are interlinked. We have other SPN characters if that's something needed.

[info]pent in [info]fandom_psls

Anyone need a Five somewhere?

[info]tomorrow in [info]fandom_psls

Okay, the trailer got me. Would love to write Superman again. Crossovers welcome, comments are screened.

[info]maternalheart in [info]fandom_psls

Dear Zack Fair

You know what's funny. You. You're a little too hilarious to be on here. I've never had an official Zack for a psl and I could come up with maybe 1-2 plots or more to keep it epic and not always smutty. I enjoy kicking ass, taking names and taking care of my kids. You'll understand I'm mama tiger, hidden seasnarf.

I love baking at 8 in the morning, happily, barefoot, dancing to 80s inspired music and cooking jambalaya at 3 in the morning while Cloud and Barret are drunk, randomly wondering where that handsome Fair guy went after everyone went crazy in Nibelheim and why Cloud never talks about him.

Honestly, I know him better than that but I pretend not to. It hurts less that way.

I remember the last time I saw him, it was late at the Inn. I was pointing out constellations and for all his lumbering ways, he was actually better at it than I was. I wasn't much of an astromonor but I admired the stars. He knew more than I did, no surprise there than that he made first class soldier.

read my journal for very own quotage, get to it

April 2024



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