January 3rd, 2018

[info]learningspells in [info]fandom_psls

So, I blame the fact that HBO just picked up all the movies and maybe I watched the majority of them today for this...but uh, Potterverse lines anyone?

Full disclosure: I know the fandom is huge and widely popular. I like it a lot but I was never a super-fan. The books came out a little after my time (as in I was a little old for the target audience) and I lagged behind as a result. As such, my knowledge of the lore and world is not your usual fan there at all, but I thought something set there might be fun. I'm flexible on faces (for OCs) and could be swayed towards picking up a fandom member if anyone was looking, but you'd have to be gentle with me while I paw through wikipedia entries trying to get the lore just right.

Het/Gen/Femme all welcome and I'd be willing to crash course some of the earlier era stuff. I figure this is a million to one shot, because I know I am so late to the party, but it couldn't hurt to try right?

Thanks for your time.

[info]maxgblack in [info]fandom_psls

Searching for someone to fill in this idea of taking advantage of Max during her time nannying for two young kids of an heiress.

Also open to other ideas from other people because I just wanna write some smutty stuff. Or even interesting fluff.

[info]vyce in [info]fandom_psls


Happy 2018, everyone! Looking for some hetero fandom story-driven smutty PSLs; (check this Journal post for particular interests). If interested, contact me in the Journal; all comments screened.

April 2024



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