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[10 May 2010|08:34pm]

Hello from the lovely Suri Cruise (no middle names, they aren't useful), actress extraordinaire... except not so great at being a public figure. Being a public figure most of her life has severely burned her out on it, and she tries to keep out of the limelight as much as possible, only going out for events that directly pertain to the projects she's working on. She does like going out, but isn't a club girl at all, and is much more at home doing simple things. She is very into her charity work and has a full list in her bio of all the charities she actively participates in and supports. She can be a very big goofball, extremely loyal, and surprisingly average considering her life growing up and her career. More than anything I would love a few girlfriends for her, especially one who's always trying to get her out of her shell a little more to act more her age.
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[10 May 2010|02:11pm]

Meet Sparrow Madden. I'm not going to launch into a huge thing, but he's Harlow's younger brother, and Bronx's best friend. He's a bit of a... giant ass flirt, and has had his fair share of two week relationships. He's the lead guitarist for The Jungle Book and lives off in his apartment in his own little world. He needs some more bros to hang with, maybe an ex or two, really anything!

PM, comments here, or AIM me @Sparrowmaddness.
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[10 May 2010|01:46pm]

Alright I'll do one of these things too. This is Bronx Wentz, son of Ashlee Simpson-Wentz and Pete Wentz. He's the lead singer of a band called The Jungle Book that he formed in high school with [info]sprwmddn and [info]dremartin. He and Sparrow have a ridiculous bromance going on and Bronx also has a bromance type relationship with [info]oses. Currently he's dating [info]beckdyl his childhood best friend and they recently moved in together. His ex [info]harlowmddn and he do not get along anymore since they had a very messy and very public break up, but since Gen and Harlow are working on their friendship, he's trying to be civil.

In general Bronx is a pretty cool guy. He likes to have fun it's gotten him into trouble a few times. There may or may not be a sex tape out there of him, Genevieve and Harlow in a threesome that leaked recently. When it comes to his music he doesn't mess around. He welcomes constructive criticism but anyone that tells him he only got where he is because of his dad gets a mouthful. He works hard at what he does and is a perfectionist in the studio, which can get on his bandmates' nerves from time to time. The band is putting the finishing touches on their second album that's supposed to be out this summer and they're solidifying tour dates for a headlining tour this summer.

He could always use more friends, fellow musicians to talk shop with, etc. Drinking buddies, smoking buddies, whatever you've got.
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[09 May 2010|06:18pm]

Okay, I’m breaking this thing in! Hello all I bring you Prince Michael Jackson II. He’s the youngest son of Michael Jackson, the brother of [info]michaelpj, and has the credits of Justin Timberlake. He’s currently engaged to the lovely [info]ablythe and could use some more connections. Friends, ex’s (both men and women), and maybe people he’s worked with in music? Prince is a little harsh and can come off a bit icy and judgmental but those around him know that he has a profound attachment to the people he cares about. His relationship to his family is incredibly close and intense. If you mess with one Jackson, you mess with all of them. He’s also very serious when it comes to his work and loves having jam sessions or just collaborating with other artists. I guess you could say the guy is an acquired taste? If you can stick with him long enough for him to trust you then you’ll have a true friend for life. You just have to get past the glare. I would really love for him to have a close friend he’s grown up with. Someone who knows the good guy underneath the snark that he can really talk to. I love to plot so you can comment below or PM me your idea.
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