Falls Church OOC Community's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Falls Church OOC Community

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[06 May 2014|09:44am]

Sorry I haven't kept up with my threads and answering posts, guys. I've had a lot of RL stuff going on. I'm going to do my best to catch up during work breaks and lunch...and the NSFW stuff at home.

Mark (Max, Kip, Soren, Danny, Kian, Ronan, Scott, Chad, Jethro)

[04 May 2014|02:18pm]

Hello people of FCU. I'm Jacqui, and I'm the new player of whom was spoken. I'm bringing in two characters to start off (nothing like hitting the ground running), one as a freshman Alpha and one as a member of staff; security, to be specific.

On this journal is Lo Amaral, student. He's an art major with a minor in art history, and his life goal is to be a slacker. And I think he's well off to start on that. Lo is laid back, very easy going (as most stoners tend to be) and it is impossible to make him angry. He doesn't get offended, he doesn't take things personally, and he doesn't like to fight. Since FCU doesn't allow mid term transfers, I'm just gonna say that he's been here since the start of spring semester but he doesn't cause much ruckus, so it's not surprising if not many people know of him. He's also been spending most of his time with the other character I'm bringing in...

... Tina Fey. Tina is the newest member of security, a recent hire, and Tina is incredibly weird. For starters, he's a man, but he will insist that you call him just Tina- not sir, not Mr. Fey, none of that. He's also very outgoing and friendly, easy to get along with, but he tells people ridiculous stories and lies about himself (and does so with such sincerity) that if he weren't so funny, you'd probably think he was insane.

So those are my boys, they're BFFs even though Tina is 11 years older than Lo. If you have any questions or if either of them could fill a role you needs filled, don't hesitate to message me either here, or their drop boxes (same post as their bios).

[04 May 2014|02:22pm]


e have a new player and 6 new characters!

Be sure to run the friend's button for ALL of your characters so everyone can interact!

Please be patient about getting your kids on the lists in the comm, we are still working on our renovations, but we are open for business. If you just joined the community and did not receive an email confirming that you were added to the community, that means you forgot to request to be added to the community, so do that as soon as you can and we will approve the request.

As always, if there are any changes in ownership, things wrong on any of the lists, or you have any questions or concerns PLEASE dropbox it or email it at fcumod@gmail.com, even if you tell me. It's less likely to be forgotten if it's written somewhere because as we all know I (Shy) have a goldfish brain and forget things a lot.

Welcome to the game!

Just a quick note, as all old FCU players know, we lost a lot of kids with this reboot, nature of the beast. People had to do what was best for them and I for one wish them well. But now we have to make a real effort to advertise and create lines with the people we have.

Have fun and remember...play dirty!

Shy & Susa


[04 May 2014|01:12pm]

Okay, guys! Wil is here for your viewing pleasure!

Plots of all shapes and sizes please?

[27 Apr 2014|03:07pm]


e have a new player and new characters!

Be sure to run the friend's button for ALL of your characters so everyone can interact!

Please be patient about getting your kids on the lists in the comm, we are still working on our renovations, but we are open for business. If you just joined the community and did not receive an email confirming that you were added to the community, that means you forgot to request to be added to the community, so do that as soon as you can and we will approve the request.

As always, if there are any changes in ownership, things wrong on any of the lists, or you have any questions or concerns PLEASE dropbox it or email it at fcumod@gmail.com, even if you tell me. It's less likely to be forgotten if it's written somewhere because as we all know I have goldfish brain and forget things a lot.

Welcome to the game!

Just a quick note, as all old FCU players know, we lost a lot of kids with this reboot, nature of the beast. People had to do what was best for them and I for one wish them well. But now we have to make a real effort to advertise and create lines with the people we have.

Have fun and remember...play dirty!

Shy & Susa

EtA: We need a new list of who holds claim to whom. So if everyone would be so kind as to list their Alphas and who they claim, or Betas/Zetas/Omegas and who claims them. Just so we can get an updated list.


[25 Apr 2014|08:15pm]

Hey guys!

Here it is Friday! Are y'all excited?! I am!

This is your cut off, if you have not told Susa or myself by now, that your character is staying, they will be removed tomorrow night. Last chance, post here if you want your kid to stay, you have until tomorrow at 9 est. I will be removing your kids from the friend button and comms, starting then. They may however be already removed from the cast list by now, don't panic, that can be fixed.

Now obviously everything is not done, rl hasn't allowed us to catch it all up. This was more than just rewriting a few things, this was a bit of an overhaul. Please excuse the mess, but we are open during renovations. =) We will be advertising this week for new players, and hopefully we will have some apps for the middle of the week. (A one time only middle week add...possibly...if we have apps!) There is one new player coming in tomorrow so lets make her feel welcome!

So start writing and posting those threads, aims, journals, random crap! Whatever you feel like! Please post in [info]fcu_lines and the wanted characters post for the time being if you are looking for lines for your kids so that anyone checking out the comm will be able to browse through them. Also please make sure you have [info]fcu_lines friended.

Have fun and play dirty!


PLOT POST [20 Apr 2014|04:24pm]


Alright kids you wanted it, here it is!

Let the Plotting Begin!

All members staying at FCU please post what you are looking for, what you're available for!

Let's get some new storylines going around here!

I will be posting as soon as I know what kids are staying.


PS~ Don't forget about [info]fcu_lines for when we have new players!

[18 Apr 2014|12:21pm]


Hey guys!

First of all I want to say, thank you to everyone who has given us some positive feedback or has been excited about this reboot of FCU. Susa and I have been working really hard on this to make it different but stay in the same vein as the original so you won't feel totally lost. The positives keep us excited and wanting to do this for all of you. Which brings me to the next thing, I have asked Susa to be my co-mod for our reboot, if you don't know her or haven't played with her, she is an awesome person and far more level headed and reasonable about things than I can be. ;) We also have a coding mod now, who will be our tie breaker if necessary when Susa and I are on different sides of something.

So you've seen the new stuff we have going on around here, and we are reading your questions and answering them as soon as we can. Your questions are great though, they are helping us to solidify the information for opening the comm up for newbies! Because despite all the changes, we need new blood around here the most. There is one new app ready to go for the reopen next weekend (April 25th for members and Sat the 26th regular adds for any new players)! This will be like a new game, you can carry over your lines from original FCU and continue them with the changes and have your kids gripe about how the school has changed if you want. Now that you have the new info on the school, you can continue to play, just save your scenes/aims whatever and post them next Friday!

I know we are losing people/characters and that makes me sad, we had a good group, but people need to move on and find what's best for them I know that. And some of you may be bummed that your kids are losing lines, but think of it this way, you now have opportunities to reach out to players that have always been here but you never played with because maybe they were outside your comfort circle of players. And when we have new players things will open up for your kids even more!

Also for any kid you are keeping please go and update your application. Now is the time to maybe make changes to their backstory, give them a history they didn't have before, give them a fresh start, new connections! Check their status, see if they fall under a different category now. Use the lines comm, ask other players, their contact info is on the contact list, find new connections, new plots. If you have an application that is the 15 points, we have gotten rid of that as an application but you don't have to change it if you don't want to since you are already in the game. Just make sure it will reflect the changes if necessary. I will try to email everyone currently on the contact list and ask them if they are staying, but if I haven't heard back in a 24 hour period I will put their characters on hold and then drop them by next Tuesday if I haven't heard from them by then..

Now after reading all that, please post here who you are keeping, their pb and a link to their application. We need all of this info so our little coder can fix EVERYTHING by next weekend.

I can't wait to play with all of you again!


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