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It Won't Be Long [closed to Ryuichi and Hayate] [Apr. 2nd, 2009|05:23 pm]
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Takes place March 27th

Being on medical leave meant he had a lot of free time on his hands. Hayate was decidedly unused to spending long periods of time idle. He rarely got injured badly enough that he needed a long time to recover...but ANBU was changing all that.

Tired of being cooped up in his aunt's little house, and not wanting to go back to ANBU headquarters, Hayate went out for a walk around the town. The day was slightly overcast, but without much wind or other signs of a storm just yet. It was chilly enough that he had opted to hear a jacket over his patched jounin-uniform-shirt. Of course, the jacket was actually an old hanten of his father's, and it looked a little odd paired with his worn jeans and hitai-ate, but it was much easier to put on over his stupid sling.

He'd been wandering for an hour or so, watching people and generally exploring Konoha. Every mission he went on, it seemed, the city changed while he was away. In protecting it, he knew it less and less.... But that was a morbid thought.

As he moved down a narrow side-street, rambling aimlessly, he caught sight of a modest little weapons shop. Drawn by the display in the window, Hayate crossed the little street. He appraised the blades behind the glass with a practised eye.

Hmm. Odd, that swords looks like it's high quality...but that one definitely isn't. 
He chewed absently on his lip. Curiosity peaked--what merchant displayed goods of differing quality in their window?--Hayate turned to enter the little shop.
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The Color of Incense [closed to Genma & Hayate] [Mar. 13th, 2009|06:34 pm]

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Takes place late afternoon on March 18, after Wake Up in the Breakdown

Genma managed brief passes at consciousness over the course of two journeys and many hours, one trip in the company of villagers from Itodake to the home of the village head man, a second escorted by ANBU and medics back to Konoha. He remembered telling someone what his suspicions were about likely poison ingredients, and a medic's gloved fingers probing his side. He remembered the prick of a needle sliding into a vein on the back of his hand, and not being able to muster a protest beyond a weak groan.

There had been a stop at the village gates. Hayate coughing. A woman's voice asking what they were supposed to do with injured ANBU. "Log them in, they've already got escort," another female voice had answered, and Genma had opened his eyes to see a dark-haired chuunin from the guard post reading the reg number off his dog tags.

There had been controlled chaos, and Hayate's voice protesting sharply about something, once they'd reached the hospital. Too-bright lights, and shuddering chills when he was stripped to the skin by gentle, efficient hands. A low-pitched voice close to his ear telling him not to fight them.

Then there had been warmth, at long last warmth. )
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Strawberry Jam [closed to Hayate and Hoshi] [Feb. 15th, 2009|01:54 pm]
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[Takes place three days after Wake Up in the Breakdown, March 21]

The thin early spring sunshine was at the perfect angle to beam down on the market stall and be nice and toasty warm. Hayate slouched a little more in his chair, half-dozing in the sunshine. Beside him, Hachiko chuckled. She was minding the wares of honey and strawberries. Supposedly, Hayate was minding the cash-box. He was currently using it as a footrest.

As it was a small market-square, Tsurusen Square was not terribly busy. The crowd here was mostly of familiar faces; several acquaintances had stopped by to wish Hayate well. He was not often seen these days. ANBU was keeping him busier than he'd been in a long while. The many glad regards and worried comments had made him feel a little guilty, even if he couldn't help being gone away so much.

Staring blindly at the sunshine glittering off the jars in front of him, Hayate felt the warmth seep into his tired muscles. Haven't been this low on chakra in a while, he mused drowsily. Now I remember why I try not to be. Ouch. The dark amber shadows of the sunlight through the honey-jars suddenly reminded him of Genma, and the mission. Wincing, he shook his head to clear the memory away.

It was day now, and he was home. The bustle and cheer of the market crowd chased away the recollection of darkness and fright. His aunt glanced at him with her bittersweet smile, and patted him gently on the knee. Shifting in his seat--his behind kept trying to go numb--Hayate crooked a tired smile at her.

Sudden loud shouts caught his attention--he stopped shifting and straightened. It sounded like there was some sort of commotion starting. Exchanging bemused glances with Hachiko, he tried to see amongst the crowd, curiosity sparking.
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Wake Up in the Breakdown [closed to Genma & Hayate] [Feb. 12th, 2009|04:28 pm]

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[Immediately follows Walking in Your Footsteps. Takes place night/early morning of March 17 and 18 ]

Running clear of the smoke and chaos of the city was a huge relief. They weren't being followed--Genma checked every several minutes for any sign of pursuit, but there was none. He took the rear position, letting Hayate lead, watching him carefully for any sign he was faltering, but if anything he seemed to be improving: taking surer steps, increasing his pace. The pain pills and soldier pills must have hit their peak, he thought. And the bandage around Hayate's broken arm was holding, thank every god who might be listening.

After an hour of steady flight, Genma finally let his guard drop just a little. Aside from themselves, there were no signs of life other than the occasional hunting owl or bat, and a few scurrying mice and other nocturnal prey in the leaf litter. The moon cast sharp shadows, and the air smelled warm for March, and damp, as if it might rain in a day or two, but for now the sky held stars and a few scudding clouds--no threat. It looked like maybe their bad luck had come and gone.

Genma sighed, feeling adrenaline finally easing away. It left a headache in its wake and an awareness of every cut and bruise the fight had inflicted. A hint of a bellyache--had he taken a kick to the gut and didn't remember it? It had been such a sudden and furious battle... How had they been found out? That was a major problem. By now whoever had sent those ninja to ambush them would no doubt be aware their mission had failed. It was a problem for Intel, he told himself. No sense making his head ache worse worrying about a problem he couldn't solve.

He whistled to catch Hayate's attention, and flashed him coded signs. Doing okay? His partner nodded, not breaking stride even a little. Genma nodded back and concentrated on making sure they left no trail to be traced. Home was only another eight or nine hours' run away, if Hayate could hold out that long.

Another hour into their journey, and Genma was really starting to feel his body's hurts. Cuts and bruises burned and pulled, and his belly felt almost like he'd eaten something that disagreed. The headache, too was unrelenting. He didn't want to stop. Probably getting dehydrated, he told himself, trying to remember the last time he'd had any water. He tipped his mask up and sucked down a few mouthfuls from his canteen, tossing back another soldier pill and adding a pain pill for good measure. Then he sped up to tap Hayate on the shoulder and hold out a pair of tablets for him, reasoning that since his meds were wearing off, Hayate's had to be, too.
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Walking In Your Footsteps [closed to Genma and Hayate] [Jan. 31st, 2009|08:59 pm]

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[ Mission Assignment: Takes place four days following Pay It Forward, three days following The Weight of the World ]

Genma and Hayate had arrived in Juunan with little trouble. There'd been decent traveling weather, decent roads, and no urgent need for more than the most cursory of notice-me-not jutsu while on the way. The rookie kid was, Genma decided, pretty much okay, although that incessant coughing was kind of annoying. He hoped it wasn't going to be a problem on the mission. Probably Hayate didn't get too many assignments where lying stealthily in wait was necessary.

The inn they decided to make their base of operations was, in a word, squalid. It had clearly once been a decent place--traditional even, with papered doors and tatami floors. It had just as clearly moved beyond that now, seeing more service with prostitutes and their tricks from the nearby pleasure quarter than from legitimate travelers. The bored desk clerk had given Genma and Hayate a brief glance, inquired if they wanted the room for an hour or the night, and demanded payment up front when Genma told him it was for the night.

It had in fact turned into a couple of nights. They'd had to scope out the offices of Juunan's city council member Oimikado Hanabi, where there were documents to be stolen and a murder to be staged. They'd had to figure out where guards were posted and what their routines were, and specifically where those documents might be located. And they'd had to tail and observe the habits of Oimikado's assistant Mitsugawa, the target of their assassination plot. Well, not their plot. Someone's plot. Someone who didn't want to get his or her hands dirty. That's what ANBU was for, after all. Doing other people's dirty work.

Now, two days into their stay, Genma felt like they had done all the casing it was profitable to do. The sun was slanting towards a pale orange set, and he and Hayate had just shared an early meal of some locally famous shrimp dish. Genma speared a bit of it out of a paper takeout container, leaned back against the headboard of the Vibrating Pleasures bed the inn had thoughtfully given them, and looked up at his companion. "So, I think we could maybe stage the hit tonight, if you're ready."
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The Weight of the World [Ryouma, Hayate, Katsuko] [Jan. 6th, 2009|07:47 pm]

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[[Takes place 8 days after Blood Will Make It Right and 5 days after Sunburst]]

The crutches fell victim to a katon jutsu in the hospital courtyard on the fifteenth of March, exactly ten minutes after Ryouma's examining doctor told him he could resume training with only a supportive brace for his knee. He marched back to HQ without limping at all, changed from jeans and a hoodie into shorts and a tee, grabbed a water bottle and a towel, and slid down the banister for two full flights of stairs. The teenage agent he met on the first floor landing looked shocked, and then mildly envious.

"I'm supposed to stay off my feet," Ryouma told him.

"Uh," the boy said. "Right. You go ahead and do that, senpai."

Not rookie, Ryouma noticed. Not even though the kid had probably worn the Hunter's mask a year longer than he had. Was the deference due to age, height, injury? Or just to the mistaken assumption that the only ones insane enough to slide down the banisters in ANBU HQ were the veterans who'd already cracked?

He took the last flight down to the basement the normal way, just in case. )
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Mission Assignment [Dec. 30th, 2008|02:56 pm]

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Mission Rank: A
Agents Assigned: Shiranui Genma 010203, Gekkou Hayate 011671
Operations to commence: 3/16
Description/Objectives: Travel northwest to the city of Juunan and infiltrate the offices of Oimikado Hanabi. Retrieve documentation listing names and financial standings and contributions of her political backers. Kill Mitsugawa Osamu, Oimikado's chief assistant, in such a way that his body will be discovered with the body of an underage prostitute (choice of ancillary target to be at agents' discretion) and implicating Oimikado for the murder. Documents extracted during infiltration are to be copied and delivered to a drop location whose coordinates will be provided by field Intel operatives after mission is underway.
Possible Hazards: Oimikado's office is guarded and alarmed. Documents to be extracted may be contained in a safe.

By authority of Arakaki Hisoka, Director of ANBU Operations
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How Doth the Little Crocodile... [Closed to Hayate and Ryuichi] [Sep. 28th, 2008|08:13 pm]
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[Current Mood | hopeful]

(Title taken from Lewis Carol's poem of the same name. The poem can be found here.)

There was a momentary hesitation at the door, but Hayate paused the fraction longer, and the other agent preceded him through the door. Hayate eyed the man's ponytail--tied with a small white bow of all things!--and stepped quietly out of the briefing room.

The mission was a straightforward B-rank, guarding a caravan while a merchant toted a particularly large jewel to a prospective client. They would leave in an hour. Hayate was not displeased with the mission. He was curious about the other agent--he didn't think he'd seen the man around before. Hayate fumbled briefly for the name....Arai Ryuichi, that was it.

Ryuichi looked roughly Hayate's age, with a scarred face and dark scowl. The be-ribboned ponytail was an interesting touch. Hayate hoped it meant the man was not as unfriendly as he first appeared.

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Mission Desk [Sep. 27th, 2008|12:20 pm]

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Mission Rank: B
Number of agents requested: Two - Arai Ryuichi, Chuunin, 019904; Gekkou Hayate, Special Jounin, 011671
Description/Objectives: merchant Escort Kondo Eiichi and his jewel caravan from Ise Gai in the Fire Country to Tsumago, a town just inside the border of Grass Country. There have been several groups of bandits roaming the way between the villages, and the jewel in question is worth 2.5 million ryou. Its protection is of utmost importance.
Possible Hazards: Attacks by bandits are a near certainty. Iwagakure activity has also been reported in the area recently.
Special Notes: The client requires that agents wear their masks at all times. Engage with and eliminate bandits as necessary, but do not engage non-hostile Iwa nin unless attacked. Agents preassigned due to need for specific skill sets.

By authority of Arakaki Hisoka, Director of ANBU Operations
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Any Other Name [Closed to Hayate and Kotetsu] [Jun. 29th, 2008|11:36 pm]
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[Current Mood | amused]

[Immediately follows Vice Dignified] 

When the door opened to the ANBU headquarters a fine February evening, it let in the slanting thin winter sunshine, a good deal of cold air, and two disgruntled ANBU agents. The pair were arguing with each-other. Daisuke, the chuunin at the reception desk, had seen worse arguments, in his stint as desk-monkey for Konoha's Black Ops. He still slipped a little lower in his chair. ANBU were all crazy--it was better to be safe than caught in the crossfire of madmen. 

"...was totally uncalled for, you--" 

"You put snow down my shirt, it was justified--" 

"Was NOT!" The shorter agent pushed his painted mask up atop his head, dislodging a fine shower of powdery snow. His unruly hair was full of it, and his face reddened with cold. 

The other followed his example, and they exchanged a brief glare. "Was too," the taller finally replied, in a tone very soft, before turning and heading right for the reception desk. 

Daisuke straightened in his seat, amused by the spluttering of the shorter man. He smiled in answer to the kindly grin the taller agent gave him. 


Hayate didn't give Kotetsu a chance to respond. He almost grinned outright upon hearing him splutter as he walked away, but somehow kept his smile tiny and polite for the desk chuunin. The front desk kept a list of agents out on missions. "Gekkou and Hagane." 

The young man at the desk dug the clipboard up and out of a few other papers, scanned it, flipped a page up and studied that one, then nodded. He chased the pen chained to the desk down, then handed both clipboard and pen to Hayate. "Numbers and name, right there." 

Hayate jotted the required information down. He stepped aside to let Kotetsu do the same. Kotetsu was looking mildly irritated, but not completely out-of-sorts.
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Vice Dignified [Closed to Hayate and Kotetsu] [Jun. 22nd, 2008|02:01 am]
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The two days passed relatively quickly, with the pressing of time that felt too rushed to the planning ANBU. On the second day, winter reasserted itself, with a light snowfall and temperatures that iced over the ornamental ponds in the gardens.

Hayate felt sorry for the fish in the ponds. He felt sorry for himself too: it was cold out here, the wind was picking up, and the snow was still falling. As the sun set, the temperature of the air was dropping. Though his breath was dispersed by both of the masks he wore, he knew it would appear as smoke on the cold air.

He shifted on his branch, pulling his cloak more tightly around him. He curled his chilled fingers in the thick cloak. Fingerless gloves in winter were not good for his hands, but he hated the way gloved fingers felt on his katana. He wiggled his cold fingers and glared at the garden gate.

Hayate was posted in the closest tree by the gate, hidden in the shadows. Kotetsu was farther back in the garden, nearer to the house. And likely out of the wind. Hayate reigned in his aggravated musings and turned his attention back to the job. Kotetsu's job was to keep an eye on the traps he had set, and hopefully keep the girl--Kyoko--out of the garden long enough for Hayate to deal with the man.

Hayate had, he thought, the easier time of it. Kotetsu had lost the coin toss, anyway.

He glanced up at the darkening sky. No moon tonight--though it was almost full, it was not risen yet. He could see well enough without the moonlight. The clouds were clearing, and the starlight was reflecting off the snow. He looked back to the gate, and let still patience blanket him like the snow. 

It was ten minutes until midnight.

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Virtue Misapplied [Closed to Hayate and Kotetsu] [Jun. 21st, 2008|01:02 pm]

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Kotetsu eyed the mission scroll. Provide protection for Mochizuki Kyoko, daughter of Aizuzen Daimyou Mochizuki Kane, against threat of assassination. Further instructions upon agents' arrival, to be relayed directly by Daimyou Mochizuki Kane. His mission partner was one Gekkou Hayate. Some sorta physical fighter, Kotetsu figured, if it was body guarding duty. For a girl. Kotetsu made a small face, and walked up the stairs. Find the Gekkou-guy - maybe he'd already been briefed, and then they could go do their mission.

Man, it was a good time to be out - the winter snows weren't so thick anymore, what with spring coming in a few months, and if they could do a bit of running, it'd warm him right up. It was always good to be outside, even if it snowed, because Kotetsu would go crazy in HQ. And then proceed to blow something up and get himself landed straight in Arakaki's office.

Kotetsu shivered at the thought. No way man, he wasn't going to go back there if he could help it. The guy was one scary piece of work, only beaten by the T&I pack down in the basements. He'd only do shit like that if he was sure he wouldn't get caught. And the surveillance in HQ was just that good.

First floor, room 109, the mission scroll said. Right.

It meant he didn't have to climb stairs, which was always good. Kotetsu wandered down the corridors, and rapped smartly on the door labelled with a lopsided '9'. "Oy! Gekkou!" Or should he call him Hayate? "Hayate! Mission!"
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Mission Desk [Jun. 18th, 2008|06:49 pm]

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Mission Rank: B
Agents Requested: Gekkou Hayate, Special Jounin 011671, Hagane Kotetsu, Chuunin 012050
Description/Objectives: Travel to the province of Aizuzen and provide protection for Mochizuki Kyoko, daughter of Aizuzen Daimyou Mochizuki Kane, against threat of assassination. Political enemies of the daimyou in the Ono family have threatened to assassinate Mochizuki's daughter in retribution for a recently-passed law. Further instructions upon agents' arrival, to be relayed directly by Daimyou Mochizuki Kane.
Expected Hazards: It is unknown whether those threatening an assassination attempt intend to carry out their threat directly, or have hired ninja.
Special Notes: Agents preassigned due to need for specific skill sets.

Posted by authority of Arakaki Hisoka, Director of ANBU Operations
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A Healthy Start [closed to Hayate and Haruichi] [Jun. 9th, 2008|04:46 pm]
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[Current Mood | curious]

Hayate was not really exploring. Well, he was. But "exploring" sounded a bit...childish. Like prowling through abandoned houses with flashlights. Instead he was prowling around ANBU headquarters, minus the flashlight. He grinned to himself at the mental image.

Hayate had just moved into the headquarters yesterday. Curious rookie that he was, exploring was the first use of his time he could think of. So he was exploring, childish as it sounded. His mental map of the ANBU headquarters was getting filled out, which was always a nice thing. Hayate--like all ninja--liked having a good idea of his surroundings, just in case.

So far, Hayate had been around the first floor twice. He paused and peered into the open door of what he guessed was the rec room. It was empty now--it hadn't been when he'd first walked by. He slipped in, and looked around curiously.

The room was a little shabby, with a few bookshelves, a pool table, several couches of questionable colour, and a TV set that looked like it had seen better days. The air had the scent of dust and stale cigarette smoke. Hayate wrinkled his nose in distaste. He wandered around, poking at the bookshelves. The titles ranged from really bad romances to a few scholarly texts.

The smell of stale cigarette smoke was strongest by the couches. Hayate cleared his throat, trying to ease the annoying itch, but it was no good. He ducked his head and covered his mouth with a hand, trying to muffle the coughing fit: dry, hollow, and centered deep in his chest, the coughs were often loud.

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Strawberry Silences [closed] [May. 28th, 2008|12:12 am]
[Current Mood | lonely]

"And if the apitoxin reacts with the...the..."

"Ah, curses," he muttered aloud, breaking the silence, voice soft and ragged. "I lost it."

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Not Tonight, I Have a Headache [closed to Genma and Aoba] [Jan. 3rd, 2008|10:52 pm]
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It had been an adventure trying to get the three of them back to Genma's room on the third floor. It had been difficult enough for Hayate and Aoba to get dressed themselves, being so frozen (Hayate was quite sure his knees would be stiff and achy for hours), but to then get the dazed and irritated (not to mention also frozen) Genma back into his own clothes and up two flights of stairs to his room without incident... And he had Aoba helping him, of all people, though the older tokujou was being oddly friendly. He was dead silent -- odd for Aoba, really -- but still somehow, awkwardly friendly to Hayate. That was definitely a change from the usual duck and run treatment he usually gave the kid.

Hayate silently thanked whatever gods were listening that all of their apartments were clustered together. They just had to get down the hall and around the corner, now...and into Genma's room. That could prove tricky, he realized as he glanced over at Genma. The lanky shinobi was staggering between Hayate and Aoba, who each had an arm around his shoulders, and Hayate had since realized that the man must have hit his head a little too hard on the tiled floor. Judging from the way he couldn't quite walk straight, and the way his irritable ramblings shifted and jumped nonsensically, as if he'd forgotten what he was saying, it was clear that Genma was concussed. A small voice in the back of Hayate's mind pointed out that that could very well have hampered Genma's judgment back in the baths, but he resolutely ignored it. He was concerned for the older shinobi, even if Genma did intimidate him a bit, but that didn't mean that Genma hadn't been wrong.

The fact that Genma was still irritably mumbling ad nauseam about what an asshole Kakashi was, and how much he hurt, made it easier for Hayate to dwell comfortably in his conviction that Genma was simply being immature about the whole ordeal. He sighed tiredly -- at least his teeth had stopped chattering by now -- and they turned the corner.

"Genma-san," he said, with surprising placidity. His tone was quietly comforting, instead of irritated. "Relax. It's over now. You're not the only one who hurts from that, but Aoba-san and I are going to take care of you, all right? We're almost to your apartment."
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