Fallen Leaves - The Truth of the Matter [Ryouma, Kakashi, Katsuko] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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The Truth of the Matter [Ryouma, Kakashi, Katsuko] [Jan. 30th, 2012|11:20 pm]
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From: [info]fallen_katsuko
2012-01-31 06:57 am (UTC)


The kettle started to whistle. Katsuko turned the flame off and lifted it off the stove, keeping one hand on the lid as she started to pour boiling water into the first mug. “I see how it is,” she said, smugly. “Asking me to babysit your boyfriend, are you? Make sure he doesn’t run into doors and hold his hand when we cross the street, those sorts of things?”

Kakashi was quiet for a long moment. "I just don't want him to get hurt again."

Katsuko wanted to close her eyes, but she was busy filling up the second mug to the brim and that would have ended badly. “Yeah. Yeah, I know what you mean.” She set the kettle back down. “I’ve got plenty of experience dealing with silly brothers. I’ll make sure Ryouma keeps safe.”

"Thank you," Kakashi said, soft and sincere. He returned to resting his chin on top of her head. "Of course, I'm going to ask him to do the same for you, otherwise you'll be upside-down in shrubbery before the week's out."

“Ten extra points to me if the shrubbery’s on fire,” Katsuko said, gleefully, and handed him his mug of tea. “Look! I didn’t put salt in it.”

"Minus twenty for lack of stealth," Kakashi said instantly. "But I guess you can have a point for not poisoning the man trying to save your hide."

“Not poisoning potential rescuers is basic etiquette,” Katsuko agreed, and stirred her own tea. She let it steep for another couple minutes before removing the tea bag, pausing to wrap it in a paper napkin and toss it into the trashcan across the room.

"You'll tell me you have manners next," Kakashi said, sounding suddenly amused. He poked her gently in the ribs.

Katsuko made an indignant noise and nearly dropped her mug. “More manners than you, you pokey bastard.”

Kakashi’s only reply was to set his mug down and goose both hands up either side of her ribcage, because he was evil and mean and Katsuko did drop her mug this time, but caught it before it could spill. She set it down on the counter and headbutted his chin, gently. “Vengeance,” she promised.

Kakashi leaned around to look at her from his sighted side, very clearly grinning behind his mask. "I dare you."

“Challenge accepted,” Katsuko said, smirking back because the world was clear and bright and beautiful and she was going to live, and leapt at him.