Fallen Leaves - The Truth of the Matter [Ryouma, Kakashi, Katsuko] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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The Truth of the Matter [Ryouma, Kakashi, Katsuko] [Jan. 30th, 2012|11:20 pm]
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From: [info]fallen_katsuko
2012-01-31 06:48 am (UTC)


Katsuko shoveled a spoonful of oatmeal into her mouth and grinned. “Don’t worry, I’ll stun him with my beauty,” she said, except it came out more like “Don’ worry, I’ll shtun ‘im wif m’beauty.”

Kakashi gave her an unimpressed once-over. "After you make him treasure hunt for it?"

Ryouma giggled. "Beauty as a blackjack..." he murmured to himself.

Katsuko pointed at them accusingly with her spoon. “Those who have confined themselves solely to dicks have no right to pass judgement on my radiance.”

Kakashi raised an eyebrow. "If you're referring to the gentle glow of craziness you're carrying around, I'm not judging so much as waiting for you to attack someone with a spanner."

“Huh,” Katsuko said, thoughtfully. “A spanner. I’ll take that into consideration.”

"I know you're new to this, Katsuko, but generally it's a good idea to try to avoid concussing your date." Ryouma tilted his head a little to look up at her, upside down and grinning. "Besides, you're pretty. You shouldn't need to hit men over the head an' drag 'em home. 'f they're smart, they'll follow."

"And you're a good ninja," Kakashi said, like that was higher praise in regards to potential datability than you're pretty.

“Hmm,” Katsuko said, and stirred her oatmeal. “My problem isn’t getting them home, it’s getting them to stay when I take my shirt off and they see I look like a jigsaw puzzle. This guy you wanna set me up with, Ryouma, you think he’d freak out over that?”

He lifted his head off of Kakashi's legs to look at her, serious. "He's ANBU. He's got more than a few scars himself. And--" he swallowed. Carefully, he said, "He ran a mission with Tsume, after--after she got her bandages off. When I asked what she looked like, he said, Sexy."

Katsuko looked at him, then reached over to ruffle his hair. “Alright. I’ll take your word on it.”

"Some of us like scars. It's proof you survived," Kakashi said, quietly. He splayed his hand flat over Ryouma's shoulder, where Ryouma’d been hit by the lightning jutsu during the mission he and Katsuko had ran, and looked up at her.

Katsuko smiled crookedly at Kakashi. “Some of us have good taste,” she said, and leaned over to ruffle his hair. “You guys just don’t want an audience for your happy-couple-funtimes.”

Kakashi spluttered, turning red, and Katsuko had to resist the urge to crow in triumph. He ducked out from under her hand, gaze sliding away, and said, "Puppies."

Katsuko blinked, remembering last night’s random game of Nice Things, and grinned. “Puppies.”

Kakashi looked at the TV. "You both probably watch cartoons, don't you?"

Ryouma licked his spoon, laughing, and dropped his head back down into Kakashi's lap. "You're not getting up to turn the TV on. I'm comfy here. If Katsuko wants cartoons she can get them herself."

Kakashi glanced down at him, smile visible even through the mask, and Katsuko didn’t even try to tamp down the sudden surge of fondness for them both. “My boys,” she said, a little wonderingly, then shook herself. “I’m a fan of the Furious Five Rangers, I’m warning you now. Ranger Crimson, all the way.”