Fallen Leaves - The Truth of the Matter [Ryouma, Kakashi, Katsuko] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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The Truth of the Matter [Ryouma, Kakashi, Katsuko] [Jan. 30th, 2012|11:20 pm]
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From: [info]fallen_katsuko
2012-01-31 06:44 am (UTC)


Katsuko poked her head out from under the bed, just in time to catch Kakashi staring-- maskless-- at Ryouma’s back. She had enough time to see a fine-bladed nose and a thin, scar-cut mouth before she clapped her hands over her eyes, retreating back underneath her blankets. “I didn’t see anything!”

There was a faintly strangled sound, followed by what Katsuko could only assume was Kakashi yanking his mask back up. There was a thud and a cut-off curse, and Katsuko uncovered her eyes to watch Kakashi’s bare feet limp slowly over to her hiding spot. He stopped a few inches away and crouched down, craning his head sideways to glare at her, and said, "You are not three. Stop hiding under the bed."

“I’m a grown woman,” Katsuko said, stubbornly. “If I want to hide underneath your bed, I’ll hide underneath your bed.”

Ryouma glanced over his shoulder from where he was measuring out oats at the counter. "You're a grown woman. You don't fit under the bed."

“It’s the effort that counts,” Katsuko said.

“And there are spiders under there,” Kakashi added.

What?” Katsuko launched herself out from spider territory, knocking her head on the bed-frame during her mad scramble. Kakashi was directly in her line of retreat, but Katsuko decided that collateral damage wasn’t too high a price to pay for her escape and braced herself for impact. Kakashi made a startled noise as she slammed into him, catching her reflexively as her momentum carried them to the floor. She landed on his chest with a solid thump, making a pained sound as her head flared in protest.

Kakashi coughed, winded. She gave him a sheepish grin and blinked when he caught her head in his hands, taking the weight off of it. The band of ice wrapped around her temples shaded colder, muting the pounding agony in her skull. He didn’t push her off of him. "Graceful."

Ryouma was leaning against the counter, the water on the stove momentarily forgotten as he watched them with an intensely amused expression. Katsuko blew him a kiss and looked back down at Kakashi. “I am the graceful swan prince,” she told him, solemnly. “And you are my new pillow. Accept your fate.”

Kakashi looked at her like she'd just entirely stopped making sense. Finally he said, "Don't you mean princess?"

Katsuko scoffed. “Please. You’d look much better in a dress than I would. Ryouma could be your prince. He can’t be the swan prince though, that’s already me.”

“I can be the raven prince,” Ryouma said, helpfully. “But Kakashi has to be a prince, too. I like his butt in tight pants.”

“I agree with this idea,” Katsuko said. “Alright, Kakashi, you can be the pigeon prince.”

It was amazing how red a man with half of his face covered could turn. "You're both insane," Kakashi said. He gave her a push. "Get off, I'm not your cuddle-bug."

“No,” Katsuko said. “You’re the pigeon prince.” But she rolled off of him to sprawl out on the floor, crossing her arms behind her head. “I’ll forgive you for ruining my bacon just this once, but you owe me.”

Ryouma’s voice was very dry. "Bacon or life-saving?"

“Both,” Katsuko said, smugly. “I am just that awesome.” She grinned at him, then glanced over at the stove. “Is breakfast ready yet?”