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[Jan. 31st, 2012|06:46 am]

Kakashi propped himself up on one elbow and gave Ryouma a dry look. “I invite you to reconsider three of the things you just said, starting with making girls happy. I thought you liked me as a man?”

Ryouma opened his mouth, made a slightly alarming croaking sound wrapped around the word “I--” and shut his mouth. He rallied and tried again. “I did. I do. I’m speakin’ purely from an advisory standpoint, and I’m shuttin’ up now to stir the oatmeal.”

He turned his back. The tips of his ears had gone pink.

Kakashi mentally awarded himself fifty points for rendering Ryouma speechless.

Katsuko broke down laughing, rolling over to shove her face against Kakashi’s side. Her skin was a strange mix of hangover-hot and ice-cold through his shirt. She howled for a moment, making unladylike snorting sounds, then sat up and wiped her eyes. “Wait, does this mean I have to get the guy you're setting me up with flowers?"

There was a beat of silence.

“Do I have to buy him dinner?”

Ryouma closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against the fridge, like a man seeking sanity amongst magnets. “He buys you dinner,” he said, as if he just couldn’t stop himself speaking. “You smile pretty. If you sleep with him, he sends you flowers. I will get you some if you want, Kakashi!”

“Still not a girl,” Kakashi said, watching with interest as the two supposedly sane people had mild hysterics. “Can we just stick to sex? Flowers make me sneeze.”

Katsuko collapsed across his ribcage, cackling. “So— so basically, flowers mean 'thanks for the sex; here, have dead plants',” she gasped, and dissolved into whooping laughter.

Ryouma thumped his head once, gently, against the fridge, then turned around and leaned against it, arms crossed over his chest. His ears were still pink, but there was a suspicious twitch lurking at the corners of his mouth. “Given that the girl who taught me that was an Eros agent, it's probably a better lesson than ‘Thanks for the sex, here's a kunai in your ribs.’”

Kakashi shoved Katsuko gently off; she fell back to the floor, her ice-crown melting away into her hair as the jutsu faded, spiking it out in ridiculous ways. She was still clutching herself with mirth. She was so easy to amuse, despite the cut-short future hanging over her head. He couldn’t help poking her in the ribs, just to see if it made her kick and squeak.

It did.

He looked up at Ryouma, reflecting, once again, on all the ways he’d gotten so very lucky. “I like your back-rubs better than flowers, if we’re picking lessons learned from Eros,” he said. “But I’ll go on a date with you, if you want to.” He nudged Katsuko in the ribs again. “And you should definitely go on a date if it’ll stop you from showing up and being insane.”
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