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Same Ghost Every Night [Kakashi, Katsuko] [Jan. 21st, 2012|06:25 pm]
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From: [info]fallen_katsuko
2012-01-22 12:45 am (UTC)


Katsuko caught the shirt, blinking at Kakashi in puzzlement before shrugging and patting her face dry with it. She dropped the towel, ignoring Kakashi’s faintly despairing sound, and pulled the shirt over her head. “I’m clean now,” she announced, triumphantly.

Kakashi covered his eye with one hand and turned away. "Pants, woman."

“Oh. Whoops.” Katsuko looked down at her bare legs and realized that she’d put the shirt on backwards and inside-out. She shrugged again, flicking at the tag, and went hunting for her pajama bottoms. Picking them up from the floor, she put them on one leg at a time and pulled the waistband up over her hips. She looked at Kakashi, proudly. “I achieved pants.”

He risked a look at her, relaxing at the lack of bare skin, then stepped in close and leaned down to inhale audibly. After a moment, he nodded. "You'll have to do." He snatched up her discarded towel from the floor and started drying her hair roughly, ignoring her sputtering. By the time he stopped her scalp was tingling.

“Can I sleep now?” Katsuko asked plaintively, patting her hair down from the messy spikes it’d been towelled into.

"Water first. And painkillers." Kakashi eyed her appraisingly. "At least you already ate. Stay quiet, or I'll make you sleep in the bathtub." He tugged her over to the kitchen, where he filled a glass from the sink and dug through the drawers for a bottle of ibuprofen. Katsuko obediently gulped down two little white pills, using both hands to tip the glass back as she drained it dry.

“I don’t like sleeping in bathtubs,” she complained, setting the cup down on the counter. “It makes my neck hurt.” She looked back over at the mess of books and notes on the floor, brow creasing in puzzlement. “Wait. Where am I sleeping?”

Kakashi hesitated for a long moment, then rubbed the back of his neck and glanced towards Ryouma. "Left side of the bed."

Katsuko raised an eyebrow. “Then you’re in the middle? Kakashi, you dog.”

The strip of skin above his mask flushed just the tiniest bit red. "You can't sleep on the floor. I have an order; you'll mess it up."

“Sure, sure.” Katsuko grinned and grabbed his wrist, pulling him over to the bed. “Admit it, you jus’ like the cuddlin’.” She pushed at him expectantly. “What are you waitin’ for? Person on the end can’t get in till the person in the middle does.”

Kakashi made an aggravated sound deep in his throat and stripped off his jounin vest, laying it aside. He glanced at Ryouma, who was sprawled on top of the sheets, and paused. "Wait." Padding over to the closet in his basic blacks, he got out another blanket and draped it over Ryouma. Katsuko grinned, goofily; Kakashi shot her a glare, daring her to comment, and climbed onto the bed with ill-tempered grace. "Just so you know, this is the stupidest thing I've ever done."

“Really?” Katsuko asked gleefully. “Because it’s not the stupidest thing I’ve ever done.” That particular honor belonged to an ill-advised game of tag with an angry bear summons. Still grinning, she clambered onto the mattress after Kakashi and tucked herself up against his side. The little part of her that had been quailing at the thought of sleeping alone tonight relaxed; she made a contented sound and drew the blankets up.