Fallen Leaves - Same Ghost Every Night [Kakashi, Katsuko] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Same Ghost Every Night [Kakashi, Katsuko] [Jan. 21st, 2012|06:25 pm]
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From: [info]fallen_katsuko
2012-01-22 12:13 am (UTC)


Katsuko hummed, leaning over to flick at the zipper on his jounin vest. “Depends,” she decided at last. “How far away would we be going for food? Because I like this roof. This roof is nice. Also I don’t think I’d be able to walk straight.”

"I can send a clone,” Kakashi offered. “No moving required."

She grinned at him. “That’d be awesome. I want a pork bun, please.”

Kakashi looped his other arm around her to start the hand seals, holding her upright as he summoned a clone with a twist of chakra. Katsuko blinked as the doppelganger appeared in a burst of smoke, staring at her and its creator with an eyebrow raised.

"Private moment?"

"Shut up and get food,” Kakashi ordered. “She wants pork buns. I want—"

"Sushi. Yeah, I know, you summoned me hungry." The clone vanished.

Katsuko snickered. “Mine talk back too. Except I can never summon just one. It’s always got to be five or more. Five different me’s talkin’ at the same time. It’s weird.” She stared down at her hands mournfully. “The one that gets latrine duty always complains the most, though.”

Kakashi looked at her, hesitated, then dropped his hand on her head, tousling her hair. "Personality is good. Show's you've given them enough of yourself to make them useful."

Katsuko hummed and leaned into his touch, happy to be petted. “It’d be more useful if I could summon ‘em mute. The last one I called up told me I needed to eat more and came back with my neighbor’s stash of potato chips.”

Another cloud of smoke and Kakashi’s clone appeared, holding a plastic bag in each hand. Katsuko cheered, swaying a bit as she reached out one hand.