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Somebody Saved Me [Genma, Katsuko] [Nov. 30th, 2011|11:26 pm]
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From: [info]fallen_katsuko
2011-12-01 07:40 am (UTC)


Katsuko gave a low whistle, admiring the stretch of sleek muscle. “Man, this mission’s gonna be awesome.”

Genma chuckled. "You think so? I'm pretty sure you're gonna be killing a fat old guy while I’m busy getting it on with your friend the knife-thrower here."

Katsuko flapped her hand at him, dismissively. “Details, details. That’s what the imagination’s for, Shiranui.”

“It’s Genma,” he said, the corners of his eyes creasing in an easy smile. As he settled down in his chair again, the scarred backs of his hands drew Katsuko’s attention. His fingers were long and thin, crooked in places where they’d healed badly. The left was markedly worse than the right, pink new skin growing in over the silver of old scars.

Scarred hands, senbon toothpick, Eros division...

The pieces clicked together. Katsuko had never been a fan of the rumor mill in ANBU, but it was hard not to learn a few unwanted things about her colleagues when people insisted on running their mouths in places she couldn’t get away from--like the elevator, or the line to the women’s bathrooms. Shiranui Genma was a favorite topic of discussion, being a veteran, exceedingly attractive, and in possession of a varied and checkered past. What had caught Katsuko’s attention, though, were the whispers of three weeks in Iwa and, even quieter, torture.

“Sure thing, Genma.” She grinned at him, expression showing nothing of what she knew, and glanced over at their briefer. “I’m guessing Hajime an’ me’ll slip in after ‘im?”

“Hajime will be acting as Shiranui’s business partner. Ueno, your chakra problem means a civilian cover won’t hold. You’ll have to go in when it’s dark. Use the servant’s entrance closest to the bedroom. Make sure there aren’t any witnesses.”

“Works for me,” Katsuko shrugged. “We do the mission, make a distraction, and get the hell outta town?”

“That’s the basic plan, yes.”

“Awesome.” She clapped her hands together and grinned. “I’ll be in charge of the distraction.”