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[Dec. 1st, 2011|08:25 am]
Genma was a different person when he talked about Raidou. The lines of tension around his mouth eased; a smile creased the corners of his eyes and stayed there. Katsuko patted him on the back, gently. “He sounds like a good man,” she said, sincere.

Genma eased out of the hug, keeping one shoulder pressed against hers. He sat up a little straighter. "He is.” After a second, he laughed. "Well, as good a man as you can be and do what we do for a living."

Katsuko smiled. “You guys have known each other for a long time, then?” she asked. “How did you meet?”

"On a mission. Where, else, right? But we didn't hook up right away. For a long time we were just best buddies, cause he was straight. Well, except obviously not, but…" Genma shrugged, embarrassment flitting across his face. "Anyway, we're awesome on missions together, so we try to partner up as much as we can. He lives next door to me, too, which is either a fascinating coincidence or the hand of fate, take your pick."

She wiggled her eyebrows, expression taking on a definite leer. “I’d call it convenient for you two, but hey, that’s just me.” Before Genma could reply to that, Katsuko changed the subject. “You guys live in HQ? I’m on the third floor.”

"Yeah. For now. I'm in 320 and he's in 318. I'm surprised I've never met you before, seeing as we live on the same floor."

“What, really? I’m in 315. I’m a room away from you guys.” After a moment she blinked in realization and gave Genma an indignant shove. “I’m a room away from you guys and I’ve never heard anything. You’re an Eros agent, try to be louder!”

Genma shook with laughter. "You want to listen to that? I think Rai might have a problem with you listening in, though, he's kinda shy."

“Do I want to listen to that, he asks,” Katsuko muttered. “As if having your own pretty-boys-having-sex soundtrack is a hardship. And Raidou’s shy? Aw, that’s cute. Guess that means you’ll have to be twice as loud to make up for him, though.”

“Don’t count on it,” Genma told her with a low chuckle.

The smell of cooking meat drifted back from the direction of the campsite. Katsuko glanced over her shoulder and grinned. “Looks like Hajime’s back.”
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