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[Nov. 20th, 2011|11:51 pm]

Ryouma took a deep breath, let it out again slowly, and very carefully did not damn to all hells the Cloud nin who’d ruined her chakra system and the Konoha medics who hadn’t fixed it. Swearing might make him feel better, sure, but it wouldn’t help her.

Nothing he could do would help her, damnit.

“Have they been able to stabilize your chakra? Or are you just staying off missions until you get it sorted?”

“I’m in chakra therapy.” She took a drink, licked her lips, and added, “They’ve managed to help me re-establish control, so I’m taking missions.” Her mouth twisted. “The exercises hurt like a bitch, though.”

“I can imagine.” He’d never done chakra therapy; even now, with his chakra weak and rebellious after six months of careful disorder and neglect, he was just back to the old exercises of meditation and molding, tree-walking like a genin again. His chakra bent slowly to his will, but it came.

But Katsuko’s had been like a forestfire even then, raging through her pathways, overwhelming his when she’d given him a transfusion that had filled his system without perceptively diminishing hers. And now, with her coils decaying from an overload they were never meant to handle, she was burning up. Slowly, sure, until she missed that hand-seal and the forestfire caught up with her...

He reached out without thinking, fingers brushing the backs of her knuckles where they curled around her coffee mug. “Tell me they’re figuring out how to reverse what that bitch did to you.”
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