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[Nov. 20th, 2011|11:50 pm]
Katsuko’s lips quirked. “I was stupid. Too attached to them. The shinobi who’d killed the sister started taunting me, saying...well, it doesn’t matter now. I snapped in the middle of doing a jutsu and lost control. Blew up the shinobi, his friends, and the forest three miles around them. Woke up an hour later with my chakra trying to burn me alive from the inside out.”

Daichi had been struggling with both the loss of his leg and Honoka, but had managed to hold it together long enough to slap a hasty dampening seal on the worst of the mess and order her in a raspy voice to take them home, damn it. Dazed, confused, barely able to string together a coherent thought over the roil of energy in her system, she’d obeyed.

She shrugged. “Don’t remember running back to Konoha with an Akimichi slung over my back, but that’s what the report says happened. Next thing I know I’m in intensive care with the medic-nin telling me my coils are decaying and I’m one missed hand-seal away from lighting up like a New Year’s bonfire. And that’s what it’s been like ever since. I don’t feel the cold much, anymore.”
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