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[Nov. 20th, 2011|11:40 pm]

The elevator was running slow again. Ryouma punched the “down” button for the third time and briefly considered trekking to the opposite end of the hall and down six flights of stairs to the hospital lobby. Not that he was in any particular hurry, but waiting was a pain, and he probably could use the exercise...

Of course, he had now had several pages of various exercise routines folded in his back pocket, not one of which involved stairs, and all of which he was going to have to try this afternoon before he reported back to hospital for his consultation with the Akimichi nutritionist. This was probably his last chance to take it easy.

The elevator arrived at last. He waited for a nurse pushing a wheelchair-bound teenager to exit, then a red-eyed woman in civilian clothes and a tottering old man leaning on a walking stick, and slipped inside the empty cage just as the doors began to close.

Someone else, even quicker, nipped in after him.

“Ground floor?” he asked, already reaching for the control panel. Then he stopped, finger just resting on the button, and stared. And swallowed.

“Hey, Katsuko.”
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