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[Jan. 12th, 2011|08:33 pm]

It was the lack of scent that woke her. It niggled at her annoyingly, insisting something was off in a way the quiet voices didn't.

"--fine, just used up her chakra and wasn't breathing well with all that smoke, so between the two--"

"I'm fine," she growled, or tried to growl, but there was a mask in her way. She opened bleary eyes, sharpening with rapidly growing annoyance, and raised one numb-feeling hand to yank the face mask off. The lack of scent vanished, but somehow she couldn't pinpoint any particular smells, either. Not over the smoke still pervading her sinuses.

"Oh, don't--or, yes, that's fine, do that. It really would be better to keep breathing the lung support solution, though."

She managed to focus one eyeball on the medic standing beside Asuma and glared at him.

The medic threw up his hands. "I have some children and those puppies to look after. I'll leave you two to it." He turned to Asuma and said dubiously, "If you can get her to breathe through the mask, it'll help." Then he thunked a jar of salve down on a table and walked out of the room.

This was definitely not the ANBU wing. Tsume sat up with a wince, though the worst of the burns only tingled -- someone had been at work on her while she was out. Noises filtered through, the quick whap of footsteps, the squeak of gurneys, the murmur of voices, people crying and sneezing and snuffling. Definitely too much noise for the ANBU wing; she'd guess that with all the other burn victims coming in, they'd only rated one of the small rooms that ringed the emergency entrance.

That was fine with her.

"Okay," she wheezed, gripping the edge of the bed while the room swirled lazily around. "Save my pride and tell me you passed out, too."
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