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[May. 3rd, 2010|06:04 pm]

Kuromaru took it with an adoring grin for Rei. People here were so nice. He grabbed Ginta's crutches and held them out expectantly, practically wiggling with the excitement of going forward.

While Ginta got himself sorted, Kuromaru took both drinks and started pushing through the crowd. They probably couldn't hear his low growl -- humans being practically deaf and all -- but somehow most of them moved anyway. A few even pushed others out of the way, and Kuromaru gave those ones a smile to let them know they'd done well. Some of them smiled back, and one came really close, pressing right up against him.

Kuromaru leaned in to sniff, momentarily distracted, and was surprised by the guy's hand landing on his butt. He reared back in confusion. "You can't have my balls!" he shouted over the din.

The man looked really confused, too. Poor moon-blind pup. Kuromaru glanced back to make sure Ginta was coming, then continued on.
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