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[May. 3rd, 2010|05:54 pm]

Ginta choked on his drink. He held his hands up in an appeasing gesture. "Sorry, sorry. Ignore him. My friend here is... uh..."

"Special?" the offended man's companion suggested with a smirk.

"Yes. Special," Ginta agreed. He hoped that would cover it. "Listen, Kuromaru," he said, slinging an arm around the Inuzuka's neck. "How about you just talk to me and leave these other guys out of it? In fact maybe we should go someplace else."

"Aww, leaving so soon?" Rei asked sweetly. "I wouldn't dream of it. You two are so entertaining. Here, on the house." He nudged a fresh beer towards Kuromaru and another violently green cocktail towards Ginta.

Ginta gave him the dirtiest of dirty looks. "Eavesdropping is one way to make sure you don't get a tip."

"Who's eavesdropping?" Rei returned. "It's my job to make sure I know what my customers need. And you clearly need another drink."
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