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[May. 3rd, 2010|05:41 pm]

Kuromaru eyed Ginta, wondering why he sounded so surprised. "Sleeping. She had to work really hard today, but I couldn't sleep so I came out and she stayed home." He glanced around the crowded, dark den and added, "I don't think she'd like this place, but I can ask her if you want." Then he brightened and held out Ginta's drink. "Or we can just drink! She never lets me drink." He took a step forward, wanting to rub up against Ginta again and maybe get petted, but unable to do so with a glass in each hand. If Ginta took one, though...

"Everyone here smells so happy! Though I think they probably need to get out and find some women." He leaned in and whispered loudly into Ginta's ear, "They all smell horny." He paused, glanced at Ginta, and added, "You smell kinda horny, too."
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