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[May. 3rd, 2010|05:24 pm]

Ginta had been in the bar just long enough to really feel welcomed back. He'd been missed, Rei the bartender told him. Several people had asked after him, and rumors had been flying, including a couple that he had died and been revived. One of the regulars was a staffer at the hospital, and he'd sworn it was true. Ginta just grinned. "Yep, I died. But I got better." That earned him a hearty laugh, and three guys had bought him drinks. Several others stopped by to exclaim over how good he looked, considering everything. Ginta had pouted over that a bit: he thought he looked pretty damn good even not considering.

Sipping an apple-based cocktail of unnatural hue and sour-sweet flavor, he leaned against the bar and told Rei and a few others the story of his mission. Sort of. Enough that their curiosity was slaked and their admiration for Ginta's bravery reconfirmed. He left out almost all the really important details, but that was as it should be. It was good to see the Konoha Queer Gossip Mill was still churning away, and a good thing to give it a little extra fodder.

Rei pushed another drink towards Ginta and tipped his head at a tall, beefy jounin leaning at the end of the bar. The man nodded and smiled, and Ginta nodded and smiled back. It was good, he decided, to disappear from the scene every now and again. And coming back on crutches with your leg in a rather elaborate cast didn't hurt either. The only real drawback was the difficulty of dancing.

But hell. He could dance on crutches, right? What kind of ninja would he be if he couldn't pull something like that off? He left his drinks in Rei's care, pulled the aluminum struts up under his arm, and crutched out to the crowded floor. Dancers swung out of his way; sweaty, flushed faces grinned at him; and the guy from the bar, who was a a good half a foot taller than him, sidled up with a look that was pure come-on gleaming in dark eyes.

The music changed to something with an even more insistent beat, and someone turned on the glitter ball. Colored lights flicked on and off, bathing the sea of gyrating bodies in a kaleidoscopic display. Ginta grinned up at his dance partner, leaned on his crutches, and did a slow teasing hip roll.
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