Fallen Leaves - Something We've Been Missing [Kakashi, Katsuko] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Something We've Been Missing [Kakashi, Katsuko] [Feb. 8th, 2010|04:46 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_kakashi
2010-02-08 09:59 pm (UTC)


Kakashi's jaw locked. He cracked it sideways, bone popping at the hinge, and re-centred himself. Re-evaluated, grey gaze ticking down to Ueno Katsuko's white knuckles. His nostrils flared at the complex dance of surprise-hurt-anger that rippled through her scent. He'd guessed right, clearly -- and picked a fight with someone undeserving, seeing as she had absolutely no idea who he was. Which was something so rare he'd normally treasure it.

In this instance, not so much. He was torn between an unreasonable desire to bite her throat out, a much more reasonable desire to bite Ryouma's throat out, and the overwhelming urge to take that solo mission right-the-hell-now. Preferably one long enough to forget everything of Ryouma, starting with his gut-familiar scent and ending with his sunset confession in front the Heroes' Stone.

Kakashi raked a hand through his sweaty hair, feeling entirely too much like a jilted lover for his own comfort. He was not supposed to care.

"Hatake Kakashi," he said finally, fingers flicking to the bared tattoo on his left arm. He'd been wearing sleeveless blacks to train in. "ANBU."

Katsuko blinked once, slow.

Kakashi wrestled with himself, then forced out: "Tell me Ryouma's still alive -- and in one piece."