Fallen Leaves - Something We've Been Missing [Kakashi, Katsuko] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Something We've Been Missing [Kakashi, Katsuko] [Feb. 8th, 2010|04:46 pm]
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From: [info]fallen_katsuko
2010-02-08 09:56 pm (UTC)


She smelled like Ryouma?



Keen brown eyes narrowed as pieces began to fall into place. The acid tone, the bitter fury...Katsuko thought she knew what had gotten angry-scarecrow-man so riled up, but she didn't like it any more than he did.

Something that felt uncomfortably like betrayal hit her in the stomach, along with the requisite shock and resignation. Ryouma hadn't seemed like the monogamous type, which she'd known the first time she'd dragged him down into a kiss. Counted on, actually, since he didn't seem to be the type to let unnecessary emotional entanglements interfere with field work. So why was she feeling so cheated now?

Katsuko had, unfortunately, been in this situation before--or at least, Beni had, which by extension meant that his entire chuunin team had. Slept with the hot new mission partner? Check. Returned home and parted ways? Check. Been confronted by jealous girlfriend/ex-girlfriend of said mission partner barely a day later?


Well, if you stuck tits on angry-scarecrow-man and applied some eyeliner, he could vaguely qualify as a person of the female gender.

Hadn't known Ryouma swung both ways, though. Guessed you learned something new every day.

Didn't make her want to punch him in the face any less.

Her hands clenched into fists. "Didn't catch your name. Let's start with introductions first before talking about away missions."