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Something We've Been Missing [Kakashi, Katsuko] [Feb. 8th, 2010|04:46 pm]
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From: [info]fallen_katsuko
2010-02-08 09:53 pm (UTC)


Katsuko was in the middle of her second-to-last kata when a snarl of foreign chakra crackled in the air a mere foot away. She reversed direction automatically, hips twisting as her fist snapped out--

Only for her punch be caught and knocked aside.

She sprang away from the intruder, sliding into a guard, before she registered the lack of killing intent. Male, and a good few inches taller than her. After she'd gotten over the initial shock--the guy was fast--the first thing she noticed was his hair. Grey and gravity-defying, even if the man it belonged to looked no older than she was. What she could see of the man, anyways. A mask covered half of his face, while a strip of black cloth obscured one eye. The whole ensemble, combined with his lanky frame, made him look like a particularly irascible scarecrow.

Katsuko raised an eyebrow.

Besides the number the pseudo eye-patch must do on the guy's depth perception, why did all the strange people gravitate towards her? Was there a sign on her back that said, 'Particularly Welcoming of Freaks and Geeks?'

It was utterly baffling.

The stranger's one visible eye narrowed as it tracked down her torso; a palpable chill entered the air. Katsuko resisted the urge to cross her arms over her chest and stared back, challengingly--

"That's Ryouma's," the stranger grated. "Why're you wearing it?"

Like hell her chest was Ryouma's--wait shit what?

There was a long silence as Katsuko looked down at herself and confirmed that, yes, she was wearing one of Ryouma's shirts. Black and form-fitting on Ryouma's frame, it draped like a gown over Katsuko's slighter figure. It still smelled a little bit like him, come to think of it. But only a little. Her sweat was kind of drowning everything out. A vague memory of the run back home from the mission (she'd taken the shirt, she remembered now, because it looked roomy and comfortable and Ryouma still had that baffled look in his eyes when she'd refused to make their one-night stand into a two-night) firmed her lips and straightened her shoulders as she met the man's icy stare with a half-lidded, apathetically curious look.

"Nice to meet you, too," she drawled. "Name's Ueno Katsuko, and how do you know the shirt is Ryouma's?"