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Fallen Leaves

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[Feb. 8th, 2010|10:01 pm]
He said his name like she was supposed to know it. Katsuko blinked, once, staring at him in blank incomprehension as she rifled through her mental files.


Hatake, Kakashi.

Hatake Kakashi, jounin at fourteen...and...

The legendary Copy-nin, of the Sharingan and the Chidori.


Holy hells, she'd slept with a man whose boyfriend could Thousand Bird Jutsu her face off.

Katsuko let out a deep, heartfelt sigh and massaged her forehead with one hand, propping the other on her hip. "Yes. I left Tousaki Ryouma at the hospital for unspecified injuries, mostly lightning-jutsu burns and cuts. We had a mission to take down a former Cloud-nin, and you know how those guys are about lightning and thunder. Far as I know he went home after that. I didn't check."

Ryouma, who'd shown her his scars from Lightning Country and who'd asked her if the ones who'd given her her own were dead. Ryouma, who'd been so sympathetic and kind, and who'd smiled like the sun coming out.

She was going to punch that bastard in the face.
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