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Pirates and Ninja. [Asuma & Tsume] [Jun. 15th, 2009|12:54 am]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_asuma
2009-06-14 07:25 pm (UTC)


"Maybe two," Asuma said. "If I can get enough chakra into you and we don't attract too much attention."

Plans were all about assumptions. Assume it'll be hard. Assume your enemies are as smart as you. Assume something will go wrong. Assume you'll keep your head well enough to deal with it. Assume you won't get caught--but damn well have a contingency plan.

"If this works, we need to get out fast, and stick together this time." Tsume's eyebrows lifted as she gave him a dry look. Asuma carried on before she could interrupt. "Running's useless--there's nowhere to go, and they'll just catch us. We need to get that weapon."

Assume it wasn't locked up. Assume Gorou hadn't strung it on a chain around his thick neck. Assume they'd even recognize the damn thing if they saw it.

Assume one of them could use it.

"This isn't a hard jutsu--we're talking genin level, here. I used to use this to get out of my room before my dad started sealing the door." The corner of his mouth twitched in remembered frustration. He shaped his hands together. "Start with Serpent, and make sure to focus. It's all about finesse."

Bird followed next. Then Horse, Dragon, Dog, and one final Serpent to close the loop. A sweet little whisper of a jutsu.

"You won't need much chakra, just enough to follow the seals. Try to keep it in your index and middle fingers, and focus it into the centre of the lock." He glanced up, meeting narrowed blue eyes. "Your turn, darlin'."