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Pirates and Ninja. [Asuma & Tsume] [Jun. 15th, 2009|12:54 am]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_tsume
2009-06-14 07:01 pm (UTC)


She started to pull her hand away, to protect it, and remembered his pain-filled, Don't move. She still couldn't keep from curling her fingers, as if hiding the lack of claws would mean it hadn't happened. "They, ah..." Somehow, being stripped of her most personal weapon was worse than being stripped naked.

She was suddenly very aware that Asuma was very large. Annoyed with herself, she shook the thought away. "They didn't pull them out." As of yet she hadn't looked, but she was sure of that. There was an ache, there, and the occasional sting, but not the agony that would come from having her nails ripped out of their beds. Cut short, probably. A few knicked quicks. The easy pain that came when a nail was stripped thin.

Carefully, Tsume pulled at her wrist. Asuma let go slowly, and she tucked her hand safely back between them. "Guess they didn't want me scratching up more seals. I'll live." A breath, and then she continued. "If you think you can manage it, we should probably get you out of the middle of the cell." Before the ninja came back and poured more salt water on them.