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[Jun. 12th, 2009|02:46 pm]

Tsume stared at him a long moment. Then a laugh escaped her broken throat. She pulled her nails away from his jaws, gave his cheek a none-too-gentle pat, and slid off his lap and chest, where he'd dragged her. "You wanna play twenty questions?" Her voice still didn't sound right. She rubbed her throat again, frowning.

When he brought his hands up to form a quick kai, Tsume lifted one eyebrow, lips twitching. She'd been half joking--but then, he didn't have scent to tell him what was real.

All she could smell off him was cigarettes and blood, even without his clothes, but it was enough. He didn't smell like someone else.

When his chakra fizzled out with a tingle along her skin and he cursed quietly, Tsume flicked a glance at the seals. Their inky darkness had gone momentarily bright. "Should've known." Ninja wouldn't have kept more ninja without knowing how.

Wearily, she turned and crouched down beside him--near enough to share body heat, but not quite touching. Perched on the balls of her feet with her knees pulled up was as close as she could get to decently covered without actually sitting on metal. There were goosebumps all over her arms and legs. She ignored them. "Right. So. Twenty questions after all?" She coughed once, rubbed her throat with a cringe, and stared at the patterns of light on the floor.
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