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[Jun. 12th, 2009|12:33 am]

Fire only lasted so long in a world of water. Asuma returned to his primary element, harnessing the growing winds that whipped around them; it didn't take much effort to redirect a force that was already there. He slammed it into their own sails, making the ship leap forward, and twisted the rest into a violent tornado. The water dragon lunged forwards, roaring spray from watery lungs.

Asuma grinned, wrenched his creation around, and swallowed the writhing jutsu in a spinning melee of storm winds. The dragon shredded, joining waves already sucked up by the vortex, and lent a glitter to Asuma's natural disaster. He threw it at the enemy ship.

And had to call up an emergency fireball when daggers of ice rained down on them from above. Crew members screamed, impaled before he could catch half of the frozen blades. Asuma swore, melting the remaining daggers into a harmless burst of rain that hissed and evaporated.

His tornado hit the enemy ship broadside--and sheered away, crippled by threads of ice that splintered through it, tearing water from wind. The time, the clone swore; Asuma was too busy. The ships circled, spun by unnatural waves and straining sails. Cannon fire still cracked, mostly ignored by ninja; whenever a shot brushed too close, absent chakra flicked it away. The distance between ships was closing, soon they'd be able to leap...

Asuma smashed his dying tornado back at the enemy ship, using it as a distraction while he sank his chakra into the ocean and hauled up a towering wave. Let them freeze that--

Darkness hammered straight into his skull, obliterating the world.
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