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[Jun. 12th, 2009|12:26 am]

"Slim odds," said Asuma, straightening up. His cigarette hissed as he flicked it into the water, extinguishing the tiny light. Around them, the crew were hastily dousing lanterns. "You'd get night traders, maybe, but not in a channel this small. And smugglers wouldn't be looking to dance with other ships. Could be pirates..."

It was hard to make out the other ship as anything beyond a dark shape; even its sails were black. He squinted, wishing the moon would shine brighter. Luck was on his side; clouds parted briefly, casting light on a bow you could've used to sharpen a sword. For a brief moment, he could see the full silhouette of a ship with no interest in cargo capacity, but a prow that could slice through waves like a damn juggernaut...

"It's a clipper," he said. "Designed for speed. I don't think it's got friendly intentions."

The captain was shouting commands. The crew were in frantic motion.

"We can't outrun it," Asuma translated. "They're gearing up for a fight. Hey, Tsume, if you had a shiny new weapon and a village you hated, what would you do with it?"
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