Fallen Leaves - Shield of Faith [Asuma and Natsumi] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Shield of Faith [Asuma and Natsumi] [May. 31st, 2009|07:45 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_asuma
2009-05-31 07:20 pm (UTC)


Asuma took a break from catching his breath--his chest was on fire--to blink at his partner. Then he tracked her gaze over his shoulder, and stared at the natural cave of fallen trees. After a second, he remembered to close his mouth. "First one's a freebie, darlin'. After that I start charging."

Reflex was a beautiful thing.

He swallowed hard, forcing down a bite of over-worked nausea, and tried to bring his pulse back down. A twO mile run shouldn't have been that hard. But judging by the tremble in Natsumi's hands, the standing waver she couldn't seem to quell, he wasn't the only one having problems. He couldn't even bring himself to truly appreciate the deep, unsteady heaving behind her chestplate; she looked like it hurt too much.

He made himself focus. "Right--blankets. Clothes. You should get in there and see what you've got left. Heat up a canteen if you've got a spark to spare. I'll--" Stagger about and swear for a bit. Maybe fall over. "Set up a few traps. If you decide to be naked before I join you, I just want you to know I'm completely fine with it."

Judging by Natsumi's expression, sometimes reflex was just a get-you-in-trouble thing. Quickly, Asuma held up a red-soaked hand and tapped the sword hilt sticking over his shoulder. "Remember, you don't get to kill the hero. Especially not when he's just this handsome."