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[May. 31st, 2009|07:32 pm]
Natsumi tried to return the smile, but it was a poor effort. Her hand curled instinctively, seeking protection in the curve of her body. Asuma's gentle grip didn't loosen. His eyes were clear and steady, dark brows faintly questioning: You can do this, can't you?

She nodded jerkily. Her throat scratched when she swallowed. "I'll just need a moment. I'm...not very good with pain."

Thinking about it was far worse than just doing it, but she couldn't help the futile attempt to steel her nerves. What if something went wrong? A mangled attempt to set her fingers could leave her crippled for life; one slip in alignment could crush nerves and cut veins. Infection and amputation weren't impossible, or even unlikely. And a two-fingered archer was about as useless as a blind Hyuuga...

"On second thought," she said, raw-voiced, "maybe you'd better just do it." She fumbled left-handed for her med-kit, spilling bandages and bottled pills across the ground. "I've got tape somewhere."

Any painkiller strong enough to actually work would leave her worthless for the next twelve hours. She found a minor anti-inflammatory instead, and swallowed two dry. The rest she held out to Asuma with a strained smile. "You're a better stoic than I am; do you want these anyway?"
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