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[May. 28th, 2009|07:18 pm]

Asuma flipped a trench-knife from the flat sheath hooked to his belt and spun it briefly over the backs of his knuckles. "Perfect match," he said, tucking it back with a grin. "And from the range I'm at you look plenty effective to me."

That got a snort and a flickering eyeroll, which was far closer to a laugh than the raised eyebrows had been. He smiled to himself and stole the brief back, glancing over the neatly printed kanji (much easier to read when they were the right way up) before slapping the folder closed with a papery fwap. Thieves, ransoms, shrines and rewards--it was all pretty simple, really, and he was fairly certain he knew exactly where that shrine was. Provided the landscape hadn't moved.

He glanced at his new partner--she was in!--and caught the edge of a shadow lurking behind those dark eyes. A here and gone flicker, so fast he almost missed it.

He smiled at her.

"I'm Asuma. No family name you need to worry about. You want to take the brief back to the desk while I get my kit? Won't be a minute." He offered it back, balanced on the upside of his palm.
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