Fallen Leaves - Words Without Meaning [Tsume, Ryouma, Kuromaru] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Words Without Meaning [Tsume, Ryouma, Kuromaru] [May. 23rd, 2009|08:47 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_tsume
2009-05-23 11:13 pm (UTC)


She looked up at him, surprised at his vehemence. "No -- Ryouma, no. The only genjutsu was to get me into the room, and the only time he touched me was to--" She frowned, catching denim under the hook of one nail. "Seat me again." Big hands on her shoulders, and she'd been able to smell his--

"He's just intimidating. He's tall -- taller than you -- and scarred, and he knows how to -- how to loom." Her voice was a mutter, disgusted with herself. "How moon-blind is that, to be a ninja who gets intimidated by looming?" She shook her head. "But he was... polite. Mostly." The silence went unmarked for a full breath. "I think that made it worse. It was just-- He--" Her shoulders rocked up and down again, hand finally coming away from Ryouma's knee to wrap around herself. She rubbed her arms.

"He smelled bad. Like -- he got off on scaring... people. He enjoyed it. And I could smell it. It was-- It was just--" Frightening. "He lives down the hall, and now I smell him all over." She tipped her head toward Ryouma, but didn't look up at him. Somehow, she didn't want to know how he looked. "I was upset when they finally let us out. And Kuromaru reacted badly." A humorless smile twitched across her face. "I don't think he liked knowing that if I'd been hurt, he couldn't have helped."