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[May. 23rd, 2009|11:04 pm]

"I was gone," Ryouma agreed. "For two days. I don't see why the hell that matters. If it was nothin', why's Kuromaru so upset about you being upset? And if it was somethin' big enough that there would've been a difference if I'd been here--"

Except that wasn't quite what she'd said. Some Intel punk had been bothering her about her clan; Ryouma couldn't have done anything to help with any of that. He might have offered her coffee and a hug afterward, but he could still do that, if she needed it. Why should it matter so much that he'd left on a mission four days ago, so long as he was back now?

He shoved away from the wall. "You're makin' my head hurt. That's just about typical. Was I supposed to be here for you?"
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