Fallen Leaves - Fighting Words and Dirty Talk [closed to Ginta & Asuma] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Fighting Words and Dirty Talk [closed to Ginta & Asuma] [Mar. 12th, 2009|07:41 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_ginta
2009-03-12 10:48 pm (UTC)


Ginta dodged away from Asuma's hand with a sharp flinch--for half a second--then he straightened back up and head-butted the still-retreating hand, flashing Asuma a grin, if a less easy one than before. "I am, jerkface. Never been gladder." He reached up to smooth his hair back down--a losing proposition with the straw-like stuff--as Kakashi liked to point out.

You have the most annoying hair.

And dammit he was thinking about Kakashi again. And what's worse, letting Asuma read it all over his face, like he was some unschooled genin.

"I just... oh, it's stupid. Boy trouble. Did you already figure out I still think girls are gross? It's your fault, you know. All those times you called me gay when we were kids must have done it. Probably ought to write a psych paper on it and confuse the dorks in Intel who think all Hunters are brainless heavies who can't read."