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[Mar. 13th, 2009|12:13 am]

"Did I miss the memo where 'friend' became a dirty word?" Ginta asked. His smile was brittle and his voice low, as he ducked away from Asuma's hand and ran his own fingers through his hair to settle it back into its ordinary disarray. It was like getting a static shock, almost, the way that touch had set blond strands all over his body on end. He kept out of Asuma's reach backing away from the stalls and checking the street behind him.

Which was obviously what Asuma wanted, but fuck it. The guy had some serious issues about his dad, but it wasn't like that wasn't obvious from the start. If he also had issues about the idea of friendship, well... Ginta didn't need another Kakashi in his life.

Shut up about that damned man.

Asuma didn't look murderous over the word. More thoughtful than anything. Absorbed in his cigarette, though his eyes were sharp and focused. Maybe he was just having a shitty day. And he'd always been pretty hands-on when they were kids. Taijutsu guys were like that.

"It's on the next block," Ginta said, indicating the direction with the nod of a head. "You superstitious enough you gotta finish that cig before we start walking?"
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