Fallen Leaves - Pleased to meet you, won't you lock me in a cage? [Closed to Asuma & Tsume] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Pleased to meet you, won't you lock me in a cage? [Closed to Asuma & Tsume] [Jan. 26th, 2009|02:26 am]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_asuma
2009-01-25 09:15 pm (UTC)


Asuma let the comeback for that slide, too, and canted his weight onto one hip. Stepping back, flicking little glances around, chattering just a little too fast--that wasn't even close to a yes.

Ah well, her loss. He'd pick it up another time, when she was less jumpy.

"Yeah, wouldn't want the ginormous puppy to worry," he said, watching as she did her best to slide subtly out the door. She looked younger again, ANBU spiral hidden in shadow. "You might lose a sofa."

Something flickered in pale blue eyes. Asuma winked at her, then turned back to his room, half planning to unpack things. Or maybe just change into some wearable clothes and crash out on his (brand new!) bed.

"Catch ya around, sweetheart. Tell the fuzzball I said not to leap on anymore new guys."

Dear Dad,

Maybe it's not that bad after all.