Fallen Leaves - Pleased to meet you, won't you lock me in a cage? [Closed to Asuma & Tsume] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Pleased to meet you, won't you lock me in a cage? [Closed to Asuma & Tsume] [Jan. 26th, 2009|02:26 am]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_tsume
2009-01-25 08:49 pm (UTC)


She still couldn't get a scent off him under the smoke, but she could see his brief scowl. Her grin widened. "I wasn't worried about the rumors. I was happy to be able to supply some for your poor, rumor-hungry teammates. Kind of you to help with that."

"Does this mean I didn't catch a ninja?" Kuromaru asked grumpily, stuffing his nose through the cell bars right into Asuma's crotch.

Asuma leaned away and reached down, flicking the long muzzle.

Kuromaru pulled back and eyed him. "That was not nice. We should leave him here." Then his ears came up, tail waving slowly. "Or mark his room."

Tsume snickered, letting her head hang for a moment. "I don't think he deserves that."

"He hit me! With chakra!"

"You locked him in a cell."

"Humph." Kuromaru turned, stalking toward the end of the corridor. "I'm going back to bed. You let me know if you want help marking."

"I'll do that, thanks." The door closed. She tipped her head to look up at Asuma. Leaning against the cell door with him standing, she only came to the bottom of his ribcage. Straightening up would make her taller--but not tall enough. She remained leaning.

"I don't think thunking my familiar with chakra is quite the kind of payment you should be considering," she said with a twinkle in her eyes and one fang showing. "However much he deserves it."

Asuma was attractive. He looked good in the ANBU armor, healthy and strong and confident. Even if he smelled like smoke. And he was harmlessly behind bars; even better.