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[Jan. 25th, 2009|08:47 pm]

She'd recognized his name, made the connection, and hadn't let him out. Three bad things in the space of eight seconds was pretty crappy going, even for the most unlucky of ninja.

And Asuma wasn't, generally, unlucky.

He spun the scroll slowly between long, calloused fingers, hiding the glimmer of a scowl. This close to the bars, he could make out all of Tsume's face. Sharply angled in the shadows, jaw and cheekbones more clearly defined. Her eyes looked paler.

The slightly faded crimson swirl on her upper arm stood out like a brand.

"Guess you weren't lying about being twenty-seven-ish," he said, sliding the conversation into new ground. Then back again. "But don't worry about rumours; I think plenty of shinobi have some jail time beneath their belts."

He smiled broadly, teeth white in the semi-dark. "Do I need to pay a toll for getting out of here? Because I might be all out of shiny beads."
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